caregiver-infant interactions

Subdecks (2)

Cards (14)

  • filmed observations 

    P: strength - observations filmed
    E: filmed observations are controlled so increased inter-observer reliability and minimise distractions
    E: the film can be checked multiple times and babies unaware they are being filmed so will not change their behavior
    L: therefore reliable and valid
  • difficulty observing babies 

    P: limitation - hard to determine the cause of babies' actions
    E: subtle hand movements or changes in babies' behavior could be due to smiling or passing wind
    E: hard to see from a baby's perspective so unaware of the cause of behavior
    L: therefore cannot be certain of behaviors meanings
  • developmental importance 

    P: limitation - developmental importance
    E: ideas like synchrony give a name to patterns or behaviors
    E: they can be reliably observed but do not tell u anything about child development
    L: therefore cannot be certain that synchrony and reciprocity is important for development
  • counterpoint
    P: strength - early interactions important
    E: evidence to support interactional synchrony
    E: achievement of interactional synchrony predicted the development of a good-quality attachment
    L: therefore caregiver-infant interaction important for development