schaffers stages of attachment

Cards (9)

  • What are Schaffer's & Emerson's (1964) stages of attachment?
    -Asocial stage
    -Indiscriminate attachment
    -Specific attachment
    -Multiple attachments
  • What is the 'Asocial Stage'? [Stage 1]
    0-2 Months:- Baby's behavior toward inanimate objects and humans is similar
    .- Baby prefers familiar adults and is happier in the presence of humans.
    - formation of bonds with specific individuals, laying the foundation for later attachments.
  • What is the 'Indiscriminate Attachment' phase? [Stage 2]
    2 to 7 months: Baby exhibits more obvious and observable social behaviors
    - prefers people over inanimate objects
    - enjoys cuddles and interaction with familiar adults.
    -Generally accepts comfort from any adult (indiscriminate).
    -No stranger or separation anxiety in the presence of unfamiliar adults.
  • What is the 'Specific Attachment' phase? [Stage 3]
    7 Months & Onwards: classic attachment behaviours towards a specific person
    - shows stranger anxiety and separation anxiety with their attachment figure.
    - formation of a primary attachment figure, often based on interaction quality, not time spent.
    - in 65% of cases, the primary attachment figure is the mother.
  • What is the 'Multiple Attachment' phase? [Stage 4]
    By 1 year: displays attachment behaviors like stranger and separation anxiety towards other familiar adults (secondary attachments)
    - Schaffer and Emerson observed 29% forming secondary attachments within a month of their primary attachment
    - by age 1, babies have developed multiple attachments
  • good external validity 

    P: strength - good external validity
    E: observations were made by parents during ordinary activities and reported to the researchers
    E: the alternative would have been the researchers presenting to record observations which could have distracted the babies or caused anxiousness
    L: therefore likely ppts behaved naturally when observing
  • counterpoint
    P: limitation - mothers were not objective
    E: mothers likely to be biased in what they noticed and reported
    E: e.g. may not have reported signs of anxiousness or misremembered it
    L: therefore baby behaviour may not have accurately recorded
  • poor evidence for asocial stage 

    P: limitation - poor validity of measures used
    E: Young babies are immobile and have poor coordination and show anxiety in a subtle way
    E: this makes it difficult to report back on signs of anxiety and attachment in this age group
    L: therefore babies may be social but shown as asocial due to flawed methods
  • real-world application 

    P: strength - real-world application
    E: in asocial and indiscriminate stage, daycare easy and any adult can comfort baby
    E: Shaffer and Emmerson's research tells us daycare with an unfamiliar adult can be problematic during specific attachment stage
    L: therefore parents use of daycare can be planned with research