Rotifera feature a lorica. Describe this structure
intraepidermal structure with skeletal elements
Scallop eyes are well known but their function remain unclear. What would be the most likely function of such a lens eye for this mollusc?
detecting predators
what secrets shells of molluscs
pallium epithelium
The circulatory system of molluscs can be (multiple answers possible)
endocardial, closed, or open
Rotifer/retrocerebral gland/mucus production is a correct combination of taxon/structure/function. True or false
Gemmules are characteristic of some sponges. Which describes their function best?
theyre resting stages
Marine flatworms are hermaphroditic and mating pairs engage in "penis fencing", true or false
Colonies of bryozoans consist of zooids. Is every zooid capable of feeding?
no they have different functions. some feed, some reproduce, etc.
What are the 2 derived annelid groups
errantia, sedentaria
Which two bilaterian groups are NOT Ecdysozoa?
a) Echinodermata and Onychophora
b) Tardigrada and Bryozoa
c) Molluscs and Nematoda
d) Chelicerata and Platyhelminthes
e) Rotifera and Chaetognatha
rotifera, chaetognathans. the other answers have at least one ecdysozoa
The nervous system of molluscs can involve ganglia and cords. What is the hypothesized evolutionary derived condition of these nervous system structures?
main difference between proto and metanephridia
metanephridia require a circulatory system and protonephridia do not
feeding modes of mollluscs; what structure is important for bivalves to suspension feed?
cilia. bivalves do not have a radula like other molluscs do.
mucus is an important component for inverts. name some functions of mucus