what does the enzyme phospholipase C-zeta do & what does it synthesize? where is it stored?
it initiates the release of calcium from the oocyteE.R. through its ability to synthesize inosotol triphosphate brought by the sperm cytoplasm. plays a role in fertility
what is the evidence that phospholipase C-zeta actually does what it claims it does
studies of intracytoplasmicsperminjection a treatment for infertility
when does the first cell division occur
90 minutes after the prouclei meet
male and female haploid nuclei within a fertilized egg that fuse to form the diploid nucleus of the zygote
by day 2 the embryo consists of?
2 blastomeres
by day 3?
it's a loose confederation of about 8 cells THEN compaction occurs
what surrounds the innercellmass and the blastocoel
how long is the human embryo transcriptionally inert after fertilization
3 days
when control of gene expression shifts from being derived from storedmRNAs within oocyte to being controlled by new transcription from zygoticgenome
what gene is expressed in the outer cells of the 16-cell embryo and what is the gene "characteristic of"?
GATA3 gene, characteristic of the trophoblast
how long does it take the embryo to reach the uterus and what structures help it get there
a week, the cilia in the oviducts
what does the trophoblast cells secrete at day5? what does it do and how does it accomplish it?
sodiumions; osmotic entry of water from the extracellular environment creating the blastocoel
what does the sodium ions and osmotic entry do to the trophoblast cells
flattens them against zona pellucida
what is the role of hatching enzymes? what regulates them?
digest the zonapellucida regulated by progesterone from corpus luteum
gets rid of the shell to burrow into the uterus
what happens when hatching occurs too late?
embryo will not attatch to uterus and then blastocyst will be eliminated from the mother
ectopic pregnancy
early mammalian embryo implants and begins to grow within an area of the body outside of the uterus