English 10 - Q4

Cards (26)

  • INTRODUCTION: It is the first paragraph of a written research paper, or the first thing you say in an oral presentation, or the first thing people see, hear, or experience about your study.
  • PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: The goal of a study might be to identify or describe a concept or to explain or predict a situation or solution to a situation that indicates the type of study to be conducted (Beckingham, 1974).
  • REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE: It is a process and documentation of the current relevant research tore regarding a topic or subject of interest.
  • THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK/LENS: It is the structure that can hold or support a theory of a research study.
  • CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK: It refers to visual templates, illustrations, and examples to determine theories and methodologies for the research
  • STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM/RESEARCH QUESTIONS: It states the questions that are ought to be answered by the researcher/s
  • HYPOTHESIS: It is an educated prediction that can be tested.
  • DEFINITION OF TERMS: Defining important terms is essential to ensure a common understanding of key concepts and terminology is shared between the author and the reader or audience, particularly if the term is usual or not widely known
  • SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: It mainly focuses on the question "Who will benefit from the study?"
  • SCOPE AND DELIMITATION: It is to whom will the study be focusing (delimited)
  • METHODOLOGY: It discusses the process or method the research study was done or completed.
  • RESEARCH DESIGN: It refers to the overall strategy that you choose to integrate the different components of the study in a coherent and logical way, thereby, ensuring you will effectively address the research problem.
  • RESEARCH LOCALE: It refers to the place where the research study was conducted.
  • RESEARCH RESPONDENTS/ RESEARCH PARTICIPANTS: It tells who the group of individuals are used in the research study.
  • ROLE OF THE RESEARCHER: The primary role of the researcher is to safeguard the participants and their data. Mechanisms for such safeguarding must be clearly articulated to participants before the research begins.
  • RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS: These are measurement tools (for example, questionnaires or scales) designed to obtain data on a topic of interest from research subjects.
  • DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE/DATA COLLECTION: It gives the procedure/ process of conducting the research (permission to conduct the study, administration and retrieval of the questionnaires, tabulation of data gathered, etc.).
  • DATA ANALYSIS/RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: It discusses the answers based on the listed statement of the problem
  • STATISTICAL TOOLS/ TREATMENT: These are methods involved in carrying out a study which include planning designing, collecting data, drawing meaningful interpretation, and reporting of the findings.
  • TRUSTWORTHINESS OF THE STUDY/ETHICAL CONSIDERATION: First, norms promote the aims of research, such as knowledge, truth, and avoidance of error. For example, prohibitions against fabricating, falsifying, or misrepresenting research data promote the truth and minimize errorSecond, since research often involves a great deal of cooperation and coordination among many different people in different disciplines and institutions, ethical standards promote the values that are essential to collaborative work, such as trust, accountability, mutual respect, and fairness.
  • CONCLUSIONS: These are statements drawn or formulated based on the findings of the study.It is the last paragraph or the last part in the research paper.It is in some ways like the introduction. You restate your thesis statement and summarize your main points of evidence.
  • RECOMMENDATIONS: These are stated based on the findings/results and the conclusions of the research.
  • SUMMARY OF FINDINGS: It states the answers in summary form/ already the gist of the study. It is the textual generalization, that is, a summary of the important data consisting of text and numbers.
  • APA (American Psychological Association): It is the style of documentation of sources used by the American Psychological Association. This form of writing research papers is used mainly in the social sciences (like psychology, anthropology, sociology, as well as education and other fields).
  • QUALITATIVE RESEARCH: It is a type of social science research that collects and works with non- numerical data and that seeks to interpret meaning from these data that help understand social life through the study of targeted populations or places. It is used to gain insights into people's feelings and thoughts.
  • QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH: It is the process of collecting and analyzing numerical data. It can be used to find patterns and averages, make predictions, test causal relationships, and generalize results to wider populations.