physiological theories - sheldon + lombroso. claim that physical features of criminals differ from non - criminals
biological theories - criminals are biologically different from non - criminals and this causes them to commit crimes
genetic theories - twin and adoption studies + jacobs XYY theory. criminality is the result of genes inherited from the biological parents (supports the nature debate)
christiansens twin studies
key idea = if crime is genetic, identical (monozygotic) twins should have identical criminal behaviour
study = 3,500 twin pairs in Denmark
findings = concordance of 52% for MZ and 22% for DZ
Mednick et al adoption study
key idea = adoptees share the environment of their adoptive parents but the genes of their biological parents. if crime is genetic they would follow the criminal trends of their biological parents
study = 14000 Danish men born between 1924 and 1947
findings = concordance between birth parents - 20% VS adopted - 14.7%
evaluating twin and adoption studies
give some support for genetic explanations of criminality
adoption studies overcome the problems with isolating genes and environments
logical research designs
evaluating twin and adoption studies
Mednick et al only studied men
if criminality was solely genetic the concordance rate for MZ twins would be 100%
impossible to completely isolate genetics and environments/
key idea = XYY syndrome makes males genetically predisposed to criminality
study = compared rates of XXY in imprisoned criminals and general population
findings = on average there was a higher proportion of inmates with the syndrome
features of XYY = very tall, well - built, low intelligence, high aggression
evaluation of Jacobs XYY
found association between aggressive prisoners and XYY syndrome
price and watmore - supported a link between XYY and property crime
evaluating Jacobs XYY
not everyone with XYY was a criminal and not every criminal had XYY
only theorises based on criminality in males
alligns with labelling theory
the low intelligence may be the reason for higher percentage of XYY in prisons
syndrome is too rare to explain criminality as a whole