Key to the evolution of life on Earth as it provides a medium that allows organic molecules to mix and form more complex structures
The Earth Lies in the "Goldilocks zone" such a distance from the sun that is just right for water to exist in liquid form
Although water ice exists on Mars, there is evidence that very small amounts of liquid water flow on the surface
Scientists believe finding water in liquid form greatly increases the chances of finding life
Oceans occupy 71% of the Earth's surface
Moderate temperatures by absorbing heat, storing it and releasing it slowly
Made up of tiny water droplets and ice crystals, reflect 1/5th of incoming solar radiation, so lowering surface temperatures
Water vapour
A greenhouse gas, absorbs long wave radiation from the Earth, helping keep temperatures 15 degrees higher
Water accounts for 65-95% of all living organisms and is crucial for their growth, reproduction, and other metabolic functions
Need water for photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration
Require water to maintain their rigidity and stop them wilting and to transport mineral nutrients from the soil
Water is essential for economic activity
Generate electricity
Irrigate crops
Recreational facilities
Satisfy public demand
Main inputs and outputs of the water cycle -
Precipitation: Water and ice that falls from the clouds to the ground. When water vapour in the atmosphere cools to dew point and condenses... it changes state to liquid water droplets.. these droplets/ice aggregate together until they reach a critical size... then they fall from the cloud as precipitation - Collision Theory/Bergeron Findeison Theories. Precipitation varies in type depending on the latitude in terms of in tensity and duration. In some places there is a concentrated wet season.
Main inputs and outputs of the water cycle -
Snowmelt/Ablation: Loss of ice due to melting, evaporation and sublimation. Globally, runoff from snowmelt is a major component of the global movement of water, particularly in colder climates where there is a spring snowmelt. Up to 75% of water in Western USA comes from snowmelt.
Water cycle
1. Evapotranspiration
2. Evaporation
3. Transpiration
Evaporation, liquid water turning into water vapour. The main pathway by which water enters the atmosphere.
Heat is needed to break the molecular bonds
Heat is released as latent heat during condensation
Allows huge quantities of heat to transfer around the planet
Diffusion of water vapour into the atmosphere from leaf stomata - responsible for 10% of moisture in the atmosphere
Influenced by temperature, wind speed and the amount of water available to the plants
Deciduous trees shed their leaves in the winter to reduce water loss
CO2 in the atmosphere gets absrob by plants via photosynthesis, animals - methane. Plants and animals decompose and turn into fossil fuels, then combustion happens in which pollution causes CO2 to return to the atmposhere, in which CO2 diffuses into the oceans, then via sedimantation CO2 gets stored in limestone + shells.
Major stores in the carbon system
Carbonate rocks such as limestone and chalk, as well as deep ocean sediment
Living and dead organic matter above and below the ground
Biggest store
Carbonate rocks such as limestone and chalk, as well as deep ocean sediment
Carbon absorption in oceans
1. Cold polar winds absorb most CO2 from the air (diffusion)
2. Warm equatorial waters have a slow diffusion rate
3. Ocean currents carry the CO2 - upwelling at the equator and downwelling at the poles
A relatively small store of carbon BUT it is crucial and represents most of the carbon in circulation at any one time
In the northern hemisphere the highest concentrations are focussed around the major emission sources - North America, Europe - but are dispersed by the winds
Spring and summer vegetation/leaf growth
Absorbs large quantities of carbon from the atmosphere in the northern hemisphere via photosynthesis
In the winter when the leaves have fallen
The quantity of carbon in the atmosphere increases
In the southern hemisphere large fluxes enter the atmosphere where there are forest fires
Land carbon stores
Living and dead organic matter above and below the ground
Tropical and boreal forests - 86% of the world's above ground carbon
Deserts and the tundra are poor stores of carbon
Carbon cycle
1. Precipitation
2. Decomposition
3. Respiration
4. Combustion
5. Weathering
Atmospheric CO2 dissolves in rain, forming weak carbonic acid (naturally). Increases in anthropogenic emissions are making rainfall more acidic, which in turn makes the oceans more acidic and is harmful to marine life.
Decomposer organisms break down dead organic matter, extracting energy and releasing CO2 into the atmosphere and minerals into the soil. Rates of decomposition depend on the climate - faster when it is warm and humid and slower when it is cold and dry.
The reverse of photosynthesis. Carbon flows rapidly in and out of the atmosphere via photosynthesis and respiration.
When organic matter burns in the presence of oxygen, it releases CO2. Occurs naturally via wildfires. Fossil fuels are burnt for energy - carbon is released from the geological store into the atmosphere, then making its way into the oceans.
The in-situ breakdown of rocks at the earth's surface. Rain contains dissolved CO2 - weak carbonic acid. Carbonation slowly dissolves limestone and chalk and releases carbon into streams, rivers and the ocean, then the atmosphere. Weathering is most effective beneath soil cover as the CO2 in soil adds to the acidity. Chemical weathering transfers 0.3 billion tonnes of carbon into the atmosphere and oceans per year.
Water cycle specific to TRF
Rates of low and distinct stores
High temperatures 25-30 degrees allow large amounts of moisture to be stored
Absolute and relative humidity are high
Strong evapotranspiration - precipitation feedback loop with half of incoming rainfall returned to the atmosphere
High average annual precipitation throughout the year
High intensity, convectional rainfall
High interception and evaporation
Rapid runoff related to intense rainfall and well drained soils
Significant storage of water in deep soils and aquifers
Water losses out of the drainage basin = river flow and clouds blown out of the region
Inward flux of moisture blown in from the Atlantic
Water cycle in TRF
1. Heavy daily, convectional rainfall
2. Trees intercept some of the rain
3. Some rain reaches the ground
4. Trees take up water from the soil
5. Water evaporates
6. Back to the start
Carbon cycle in Tropical Rainforests (TRF)
Rates of carbon stores are low and distinct
Carbon stored in large forest trees
180 tonnes per hectare above ground
40 tonnes in roots
Carbon stored in rainforest soils
90-200 tonnes per hectare
Compared to other forests
Exchanges between atmosphere, biosphere and soil are rapid