Mail Merge is a featureofwordprocessingsoftwarethat used to createmultipleletters, e-mail messages, envelopes, nametags, address labels, or a directory to a group of people as stored in a list in a database or spreadsheet.
Form Document referstothedocumentsthatcontainthemainbodyofthemessage
Data File referstoindividualdatathatneedstobemerged to the given form document
Animation is oneofthePowerPointfeaturesthatusedtocontroltheflowofinformation and to increase viewers interest in your presentation.
Entrance an effectthatcanmakeanobjectfadegraduallyintofocus, fly into the slide from an edge, or bounce into view.
Exit an effect includemakinganobjectflyoff in the slide, disappear, or spiral off in the slide.
Emphasis an effectwhichmakeanobjectshrinkorgrow, change color, or spin on its center.
Motion Paths an effect to makeanobjectmoveupordown, left or right, or in star or circular pattern.
Hyperlink is commonlyknownas“links”thatcanbeappliedintext, graphics or any object in the slide that you can click on to jump to another file or within the existing file
Spreadsheet software is tocalculatecomplexformulas
VLOOKUP is an Excelfunctionthatallowsyoutosearchandretrieveacell’scontentfrom one column and use it in another location to retrieve data.