The scientific description of peoples and cultures with their customs, habits, and mutual differences.
Naturalistic, because it seeks to describe and understand the natural social world.
Relies on thoroughness and insight of researcher.
Adaptation of ethnography for the online world.
Concerned with the study of online cultures and communities as distinct social phenomena.
Researcher prepares to enter the field by
Becoming familiar with online communities
Formulating exploratory research question
Selecting an appropriate community to study
Examines how individuals use everyday conversation to construct a common-sense view of the world.
Do not necessarily believe that we can find an objective reality.
Code of conduct is the way people create order and social structure.
Often conducted using recording tools, that allow very detailed analysis of how people talk with and look at each other.
Participant Observation
Qualitative method for gathering data that involves developing a sustained relationship with people while they go about their normal activities. Kinds of participant observation:
Complete observation
Mixed participation or observation
Complete participation
Complete Observation
Observation in which the researcher does not participate in group activities and is publicly defined as researcher.
Can have reactive effects.
Mixed Participation or Observation
Most field researchers adopt a role that involves some active participation
Employing assistants can be helpful.
Ethical advantages:
Group members can keep things hidden.
Researcher can decline unethical activities.
Complete Participation
Also called covert participation.
Has difficulties and ethical issues:
Must write notes from memory.
“Going native”.
Cannot anticipate all consequences of research.
Taking Notes
Field notes, primary means of recording participant observation data.
Writing extensive notes is disruptive.
Writing up field notes takes at least 3 times as long as observing.
Analysis methods provide interesting and in-depth information
Some information gathered may not always represent what is typical
Complement surveys, experiments, and other methods