Love and Relationships

Subdecks (16)

Cards (233)

  • "Half broken-hearted...
    to sever for years"
  • "pale grew thy cheek, and..

    colder thy kiss"
  • "The dew of the morning sunk...
    chill on my brow"
  • "thy vows are all...

    broken, and light is thy fame"
  • I hear thy name spoken

    And share in its shame
  • A ..... to mine ear
  • why were't thou so
  • long long shall I
    rue thee
  • in secret we met..
    in silence i grieve
  • thy spirit..
  • how should I greet thee?
    With silence and tears
  • Who published the poem?
    Lord Byron
  • When was the poem published?
    1816, but was written in 1808 to conceal the identity of the woman
  • What rhyme scheme does the poem have
  • What form does the poem have
    accentual verse/octets