Eden Rock

Cards (14)

  • they are waiting for me

    Somewhere beyond eden rock
  • the same..
    suit of genuine irish tweed
  • my mother, 23
    in a sprigged dress
  • the hair, the color of wheat,

    takes on the light
  • she pours tea from a
    thermos, the milk straight from an old HP bottle
  • the same three plates,
    the tin cups painted blue
  • the sky whitens as if

    lit by three suns
  • crossing is not as hard

    as you might think
  • I had not thought
    that it would be like this
  • Who published the poem
    Charles Causely
  • When was the poem published
  • Form
    Elegy / Ode Form The poem as a whole could be considered an elegy or an ode, as it is written largely about Charles' dead parents.
  • Rhyme
  • Structure
    regular poem, employing quatrain stanzas all the way through apart from one instance at the end. The final two stanzas are broken up into three lines and one line, respectively. Each stanza has a clear purpose in the poem's trajectory