The process of taking in Oxygen and removing Carbon Dioxide
Getting air into and out of the lungs
External respiration
Gaseous exchange between the lungs and blood
Internal respiration
Gaseous exchange between the blood in the capillaries and the body cells
Cellular respiration
The metabolic reactions and processes that take place in a cell to obtain energy from glucose
Passage of air
Nose - Pharynx - Larynx - Trachea - Left and Right Bronchus - Bronchi - Bronchioles - Respiratory Bronchioles - Alveoli
The movement of gas molecules from an area of high concentration / partial pressure to an area of low concentration / partial pressure
Designed to help with gaseous exchange
Gaseous exchange
The movement of oxygen from the air into the blood, and Carbon Dioxide from the blood into the air
Structure of the alveoli
Big surface area, One cell thick, Good blood supply
Getting air into the lungs
Getting air out of the lungs
Lung volumes
Movement of air into and out of the lungs
Tidal volume
Volume of air breathed in or out per breath
Inspiratory reserve volume
Volume of air that can be inspired after a maximal inspiration
Expiratory reserve volume
Volume of air that can be expired after a maximal expiration
Residual volume
Volume of air remaining in the lungs after a maximal expiration
Minute ventilation
Volume of air breathed in or out per minute
A device that is used to measure the volume of air inspired and expired by the lungs
Partial pressure
The pressure exerted by an individual gas when it exists within a mixture of gases
Diffusion / Concentration gradient
Difference in the partial pressure
Diffusion pathway of oxygen
Alveoli - blood - muscles
Diffusion pathway of carbon dioxide
Muscles - blood - alveoli
Where is adrenaline found?
Natural stimulant made in the adrenal gland of the kidney and is often referred to as the body's activator as it is released in response to exercise
Neural Regulation / Control
Involves the brain and nervous system
Chemical Regulation / Control
Involves blood acidity
Sympathetic nervous system
Prepares body for exercise so it will increase breathing rate
Parasympathetic nervous system
Lowers breathing rate
Respiratory Centre
Located in the medulla oblongata and controls the rate and depth of breathing, using neural and chemical control
Inspiratory Centre
In the Respiratory Centre - Responsible for inspiration and expiration when an increase concentration of CO2 in the blood stimulates the Respiratory Centre to increase Respiratory rate
Expiratory Centre
Stimulates the expiratory muscles during exercise
Located in the Carotid Arteries and sense chemical changes as they detect and increase in Carbon Dioxide during exercise. It stimluates the Sympathetic Nervous System. An increase in Carbon Dioxide means an increase in Respiratory rate until blood acidity has returned to normal
Contain nerve endings, that respond to the stretching of the arterial wall, which is caused by the changes in blood pressure. A decrease in Blood Pressure means an increase in breathing rate
Sensory nerve endings which are located in the muscles, tendons and joints. They provide information about movements and body position. An increase in Muscle Movement means an increase in Respiratory rate
The respiratory centre has 2 main areas
1 = The inspiratory centre is responsible for both inspiration and expiration
2 = The expiratory centre stimulates the expiratory muscles during exercise
The inspiratory centre
Sends out nerve impulses via the phrenic nerve to the inspiratory muscles (diaphragm and external intercostals) to cause them to contract. This stimulation acts for approximately 2 seconds then then impulses stop and passive expiration occurs due to the elastic recoil of the lungs
The respiratory control centre
Responds mainly to changes in blood chemistry. Has two main areas - inspiratory control centre (inspiration and expiration) and expiratory control centre (expiration during exercise)
Inspiratory control centre (ICC) - exercise
Blood acidity increases as a result of an increase in the plasma concentration of carbon dioxide and an increase in lactic acid production. Changes are detected by chemoreceptors which are found in the carotid artery + the aortic arch and they send impulses to the IC to increase ventilation until blood acidity is returned to normal. To achieve this, the respiratory centre sends impulses down the phrenic nerve to stimulate more inspiratory muscles - sternocleidomastoid, scalenes, pectorialis minor. As a result depth, rate and rhythm increases.
Neural/chemical control for increased inspiration during exercise