Business 1.2.1 - 2.4

Cards (17)

  • What are customer needs?
    Price - Customers only want to pay a certain amount for a product
    Quality - Certain standards or features in a product
    Choice - Choice of certain aspects
    Convenience - Ease of accessibility
  • What is the importance of identifying customer needs?
    More likely that customers will buy a product via identifying & meeting customer needs
  • What is the importance of satisfying customer needs?
    Increases sales, improves current products and customer satisfication.
  • What is the Market-Driven Approach?
    Focusing on customers' needs rather than building a product then searching for customers.
  • What does the Market - Driven Approach allow firms?
    • To find the correct marketing mix
    • Avoid costly mistakes
    • Be competitive
  • What is market research?
    Process of collecting & processing information about the market.
  • What does market research gather information on?
    • Demand
    • Competition
    • Target market
  • What is the purpose of market research?
    • Identify & understand customer needs
    • Identify gaps in market
    • Reduce risk
    • Inform business decisions
  • What is qualitative research?
    Information about opinions & views
  • What is quantitative research?
    Factual information on things that can be quantified & recorded easily
  • Methods of primary research?
    Surveys, questionnaires, focus groups & observation
    • Can mitigate risks & make more informed business decisions
    • Can be expensive & time consuming
  • Methods of secondary research?
    Internet, market reports & government reports
    • Provides specific information
    • Might be out of date
  • What is market segmentation?
    Process of dividing customers into different groups like age, gender, income or location
  • What is market mapping?
    Process used to identify gaps in the market by looking at what competitors offer. Usually based off price & quality.
  • What is competition?
    Selling similar products in the same market.
    Businesses usually compete on location, product range, price & customer service
  • What is the impact of high competition?
    Negative effect on a business' profit.
    Forces a business to be efficient & constantly improve their product.
  • What do businesses usually compete on?
    Price - businesses aim to produce their product at the lowest cost possible. This forces them to be efficient.
    Quality - Better quality products can come about due to competition.