Breast and Lymphatic

Cards (37)

  • Male and female –similar until puberty.
  • Breast-Paired mammary gland that lie over themuscles of anterior chest wall.
  • When female breast tissue enlarges- response to therising estrogen and progesterone released by theovaries. (8-13 yrs old)
  • Two functions of breast in female:
    1. Produce and store milk
    2. Aids in sexual stimulation.
  • Lymph nodes –present in both male and female breast
  • Nipple – center of the breast-contains lactiferous duct which milk passes through.
  • Areola- surrounds the nipple (1-2cm. radius) contains elevated sebaceous gland
    (Montgomery Glands)-secrete protective lipids during lactation. Hair follicle commonly appear around the areola. Smooth musclein the areola cause nipple to contract and erect during stimulation
  • Nipple and areola typically have darker pigmentation–increases during pregnancy.
  • During embryonic stage - milk line or ridge extends from each axilla to groin area.
  • Glandular tissue –allowing milk production, 15-20 lobes in circular fashion , lobes contains several lobule in which the secreting alveoli (acini Cell) are in grape-like cluster
  • Mammary Duct- from alveoli converge into single lactiferous duct and conveys milk to the nipple. .
  • Lactiferous sinus- storage of milk until stimulated to bereleased from the nipple.
  • Fibrous tissue - supports the glandular tissue by way of band called Cooper ligaments( suspensory ligaments.)
  • Fatty tissue - 3rd component of the breast- subcutaneous and retro mammary fats provides most substance to the breast determining the size and shape.
  • label
    A) fibrous tissue
    B) glandular tissue
    C) fatty tissue
  • Major axillary Lymph Nodes
    1. Anterior- (Pectoral)
    2. B. Posterior- (Subscapular)
    3. C. Lateral – (Brachial)
    4. D. Central- (mid axillary)
  • Clinical Breast Examination (CBE)Breast examination performed by medicalprofessional
  • Self-Breast Examination (SBE)
    Inspection and palpation of the breast by theclient/person
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)– a diagnostic test that can be used to detectcancer and other breast abnormalities.
  • Mammography –X-ray used to screen breast for abnormalities.
  • Needle biopsy -a needle is used to draw sample fluid and tissue from a lump to be studied.
  • Menarche – the beginning of menstruation
  • Paget disease - a form of cancer involving the nipple (first) and areola.
  • Peau d’orange –”orange peel/orange skin” -appearance of breasts issue that is cause by edema from blocked lymph drainage.
  • Puckering - changes in the skin texture on or around your breast.
  • Contour – form or shape of the breast.
  • Dimpling – dimples in the surface of the breast.
  • Cyst – a cavity, sac or vesicle that contains liquid.
  • Fibroadenoma – tumorformed of mixed fibrous and glandular tissue(solid). Lesions, lobular, ovoid or round, firm, well defined, seldom tender, usually single and mobile, commonly between puberty and menopause.
  • Erythema – superficial reddening of the skin.- capillary congestion
  • Gynecomastia– enlargement or swelling of male breast tissue.
  • Hyperpigmentation – darkcolored patches of the skin.
  • Lesion – wounds, injury,abrasion or cut in an organ or tissue.
  • Axillary/Armpit lymph nodes
    • helps protect the body.
    • Lymph fluid draining from the breast, upper abdomen, arm, and neck pass through these bean-shaped nodes.
  • Subclavicular – an area beneath the clavicle and collarbone.
  • Supraclavicular – an area above the clavicle and collarbone.
  • Tail of Spence - axillary tail extension of the tissue.