1. Add 100uL of the Lysis B Buffer to the sample
2. Incubate at 56℃ for 10 minutes
3. Add 200uL of ethanol and mix
4. Transfer all the mixture to spin column
5. Centrifuge the mixture at 6000-8000xg for 1 minute
6. Add 500uL of the WB1 Buffer to the spin column, centrifuge at 10000xg for 30-60 seconds
7. Add 700uL Wash Buffer to the spin column, centrifuge at 10000xg for 30-60 seconds
8. Add 700uL Wash Buffer to the spin column, centrifuge at 10000xg for 30-60 seconds
9. Centrifuge the Spin column at 13000xg for 2 minutes
10. Add 100uL the Elution Buffer, incubate at room temperature for 1 minute, centrifuge at 13000xg for 1 minute