Immediate recall was worse for acoustically similar words and recall after 20 minutes was worse for semantically similar words, suggesting short-term memory is coded acoustically and long-term memory is coded semantically
Cognitive tests of memory like the MSM are often highly artificial, low in mundane realism, and conducted in lab environments, so findings may not generalize to real-world memory use
Clive Wearing had retrograde amnesia for episodic and semantic memories, but could gain new procedural memories, suggesting they use different brain areas
Generalizing findings from idiographic case studies to explain memory in the wider population is problematic, as other unknown issues could be unique to that individual
Performing two visual tasks or a visual and verbal task simultaneously is better when they use different processing, suggesting the phonological loop and visuospatial sketchpad are separate systems (Baddeley)
Brain injury patient KF had selective impairment to verbal short-term memory but not visual functioning, suggesting the phonological loop and visuospatial sketchpad are separate processes in the brain (Shallice and Warrington)
The central executive concept in the working memory model needs further development, and the inclusion of the episodic buffer is part of this (Baddeley)
The encoding specificity principle states that context-dependent and state-dependent cues in the environment and internal state can aid memory retrieval