Remember was a sonnet so it was written like a Petrarchan sonnet that originally men wrote and performed
Something heroic about the way Rosetti presents relationships and sacrifice in remember
Using a sonnet to sound masculine
Rosetti looks forward to death for liberation into the spiritual realm as Ibsen is more concerned about the here and now
In remember death represents the absence of each other, but not their love
Impracticality of grieving when death is so natural and a part of life, Christianity and the afterlife as a comfort and their inevitable destination to Rosetti
What poem could Remember link to?
Up-hill, song, In the roundtower
"It will be too late to counsel then or pray" even men have no power against death
death is an equaliser at the end of life, hence why remember has an authoritative tone
A03: Rosetti worked at St.Mary Magdalene House for FallenWomen from 1859-1870
Remember could also link into the idea that homemaking and children isn't the only thing women should leave as their legacy, but all they think too
A03: Rosetti suffered from a variety of health problems and doctors believe she also suffered from hysteria
A03: Rosetti frequently endured repeated bouts of depression
A03: Rosetti had Graves' disease in her early 40s and she survived but her health was permanently weakened, her final illness was breast cancer and she died at the age of 64
A03: Victorians had strict rules for grief that were specific to social conventions for what colours and fabrics you were allowed to wear and for how long to honour the dead
poem from the perspective of dying rather than being left behind
asks her beloved to remember her when she is dead because that is all he will be able to do for her
The speaker assures the beloved that although she wants to be remembered it isn't necessary and all she wants is for him to be happy