Milgram ( obedience )

Cards (8)

  • Procedure of the Milgram (obedience) study
    1. Experimenter wearing authoritative uniform
    2. Prods to ensure participant stayed on task
  • Experimenter wearing authoritative uniform
    Affected obedience
  • Prods in Milgram study

    Ensured participant stayed on task
  • 65% of participants went to the end (450v) under persuasion of an authority figure in Milgram study
  • Milgram study helped us understand why the holocaust happened
  • Procedure of the Milgram (obedience) study
    1. Participant and stooge randomly allocated to roles of teacher or learner
    2. Paired-associate learning task began
  • Learner
    • Strapped to an 'electric chair' apparatus
    • Apparatus in a separate room
    • Experimenter explained straps to prevent excessive movement
    • Electrode attached to learner's wrist with paste to avoid blistering
    • Told electrode attached to shock generator
    • Told shock would be painful but not cause permanent damage
  • Teacher/naïve participant
    • Given a sample shock of 45 volts from the third button on the shock generator