
Subdecks (4)

Cards (36)

  • What does phloem tissue do?
    Transports organic substances like sugars in solution both up and down the plant
  • What is phloem tissue adapted for?
    Transporting solutes
  • what are solutes?
    Dissolved substances
  • what does phloem tissue do?
    Transports solutes (mainly sugars like sucrose) round plants
  • what is phloem formed from?
    Like xylem, phloem is formed from cells arranged in tubes
  • what are important cell types in phloem tissue?
    Sieve tube elements
    Companion cells
  • What are sieve tube elements?
    Living cells that form the tube for transporting solutes
    They have no nucleus or living organelles (Companion cells help)
  • explain companion cells?

    There is a companion cell for each sieve tube element
    They carry out living functions for sieve cells, e.g. providing the energy needed for the active transport of solutes
  • what is phloem?
    tissue that transports organic substances in plants
  • what is xylem?
    tissue that transports water in the stem and leaves of plants