
Cards (6)

  • How can the translocation of solutes in plants be modelled in an experimen?

    using radioactive tracers
  • STEP 1?
    Supply a part of a plant (often leaf) with an organic substance that has a radioactive label (eg CO2 containing the radioactive isotope 14C)
    This radioactively-labelled CO2 can be supplied to a single leaf by being pumped into a container completely surrounding the leaf
  • STEP 2?
    radioactive carbon will then be incorporated into organic substances produced by the leaf (eg sugars from photosynthesis) which will be moved around the plant by translocation
  • STEP 3?
    movement of these organic substances tracked using AUTORADIOGRAPHY
    To reveal where the radioactive tracer has spread to in a plant, the plant is killed (eg frozen using liquid nitrogen) and then whole plant/sections is placed on PHOTOGRAPHIC FILM
    • the radioactive substance present whereever the film turns black
  • what do the results demonstrate?
    The translocation of substances from source to sink over time
  • what does photosyntesis do?
    Produces glucose
    This is transported to SUCROSE for transport around the plant