Chapter 3 quiz

Cards (23)

  • what is the treatment of choice for nasal polyps?
    surgical removal
  • What is the most common type of glaucoma ?
  • The primary cause of myopia is associated with the ____ of the eye?
  • Approximately 11 million Americans have some loss of vision from ____ and more than 2 million are living with an advanced from the disease?
  • The area where the optic nerves exit the retina contains neither rods nor cones and is referred to as the?
    optic disc
  • The aqueous humor ?
    assists in the refraction process
  • Which of the following is not a nasal disease ?
  • The ___ are responsible for maintaining equilibrium?
    semicircular canals
  • The skin has ___ different receptors to perceive the environment?
  • Which muscle of the eye does not move the eyeball but is attached to and moves the eyelid?
    levator pallbearer superioris
  • The nose has the ___ organ , which is the sense of smell?
  • Treatment of amblyopia depends on the ?
  • Myopia is most commonly treated with ?
    glasses or contact Lenses
  • What are the two forms of age related macular degeneration?
    Dry and wet
  • A tympanostomy is used to treat ? Otitis media
  • In the eye, when the ciliary body contracts , the lens becomes ?
  • The organ of corti is located in the?
    inner ear
  • Diseases of the mouth include all except ?
  • The condition known as _____ is characterized by severe vertigo and tinnitus violent attacks may last from 10 minutes to hours and cause severe nausea vomiting and perspiration?
    menieres disease
  • Mucous membrane that lines the inner surfaces of the eyelids and covers the anterior sclera surface of the eye. Conjunctiva
  • Drooping of the upper eyelid. Ptosis
  • Tough white fibrous tissue that helps maintain the shape of the eyeball. Sclera
  • Inflammation of the iris. iritis