Weber: Religion is the belief in a superior or supernatural power that is above nature and cannot be explained scientifically.
This is an exclusive definition with western bias.
Functional definitions
The social and psychological functions religion performs for society.
Durkheim: religion leads to social integration, people will feel part of a community/ group to look after and support eachother.
Yinger: One function religion plays is that is answers the ‘ultimate questions’ about the meaning of life and what happens when we die.
This definition is inclusive, but just because an institution helps integrate individuals, it doesn’t make it a religion.
Social constructionist definitions
Interpretivist approach - believe it’s not possible to produce a single, universal definition - each member of society will define religion differently.
Aldridge argues for its followers, scientology is a religion even though governments denied its legal status as a religion.
Three key beliefs:
Dont assume religion has to include a belief in god.
This definition can get close to the meanings people give to religion and why they may follow a religion.