case studies

Cards (5)

  • 5 key features of a case study?
    1. in depth investigation of one person/small group of people
    2. investigate naturally occuring events
    3. can be longitudinal or retrospective
    4. gather a range of information(family relationships,medical history)
    5. use a number of methods to gather the information (interviews,observations)
  • name 2 strengths of case studies?
    1. produces rich meaningful date in qualitative form
    2. high ecological validity
  • explain a weakness of case studies?
    findings are unreliable & unrepresentative
    often unique & rare cases which are difficult to repeat as they are so rare
    ? valid - cannot be repeated to check if results are reliable from 1 person/small group
  • rich data * for case studies?
    qualitative data is produced by using observations/interviews
    * valid - provides more precise measure & gives in depth explanation in detail
  • high ecological validity * for case studies?
    they are naturally occuring so it is as true to real life as it can be
    * valid - results are more accurate & can be applied to real life