
Cards (25)

  • What are the 2 tuning forks tests?
  • What is Weber's test?
    Place vibrating tuning fork base in the middle to pts forehead
    Ask where they hear the sound
    NORMAL = central
    SENSORINEURAL = sound is louder in unaffected ear
    CONDUCTIVE = sound is louder in affected ear
  • What is Rinne's test?
    Place vibrating tuning fork on mastoid process & ask if pt can hear it
    Then get pt to tell you when they stop hearing the sound
    When it stops, place the tuning fork at the external auditory meatus & ask if you can still hear it
    NORMAL =AC > BC (+ve)
    SENSORINEURAL = AC > BC (false +ve)
    CONDUCTIVE = BC > AC (-ve)
  • Fill in the blanks
    A) Positive
    B) Negative
    C) False positive
    D) Negative
    E) equal
    F) affected
    G) unaffected
    H) 'good'
  • What is the air-bone gap?
    Difference between air conduction & bone conduction
    Considered a 'gap' when there is a greater than 10 dB at a given frequency
  • What could cause an air-bone gap?
    Conductive hearing loss
    Mixed hearing loss
    Outer/middle ear diseases (e.g. TM perforation)
  • What is a pure tone audiogram?
    Hearing test under ideal listening conditions in a soundproof booth. 
  • What are the hearing thresholds?
    Normal = can hear quiet sounds of < 20 dB
    Mild hearing loss = hearing loss 20-40 dB
    Moderate hearing loss = hearing loss 41-70 dB
    Severe hearing loss = 71-95 dB
    Profound hearing loss = hearing loss over 95 dB
  • What is shown in this audiogram?
    Normal hearing
  • What is shown in this audiogram?
    Sensorineural hearing loss
  • What is shown in this audiogram?
    Conductive hearing loss
    Air-bone gap present
  • What is shown in this audiogram?
    Presbycusis (age-related hearing loss)
    Bilateral hearing loss above 2000 Hz
  • Why was a CT done in cholesteatoma?
    Used to exclude perforation of bony tegmen
    If tegmen is breached, can lead to many problems (e.g. CSF leak, meningitis)
  • What is important in an ear history?
    Previous ear trauma/surgery?
    Recurrent ear infections
    Systemic conditions associated with hearing loss
    Drugs - aminoglycosides, aspirin, furosemide
    Occupation (any significant exposure to loud noise)
  • Describe the process of otoscopy?
    Start with pts 'better' ear
    Pull pinna up & back to straighten external auditory canal
    Inspect external auditory canal (for wax, erythema, oedema, discharge, foreign bodies)
    Inspect 4 quadrants of tympanic membrane (colour, shape, light reflex, perforation & scarring)
    Repeat on other ear
  • What is shown in the image?
    Normal TM
  • What is shown in the image?
    Cholesteatoma (normally seen in TM attic)
  • What is shown in the image?
    Otitis media with effusion
  • What do you palpate in an ear examination?
    Auricle, tragus, mastoid
  • When is cholesteatoma suggested?
    Chronic purulent ear discharge
    Hearing loss/tinnitus
    Vertigo (more severe disease)
    Facial nerve involvement (more severe disease)
    Crust/keratin in attic of TM
    TM may be perforated
  • What are the differential diagnoses for otitis media with effusion?
    Acute otitis media
    Otitis externa
    Referred pain
    Otitis barotrauma
  • Decribe facial nerve (CN VII) testing.
    • any recent changes in their sense of taste?
    • any changes in their hearing (due to paralysis of stedius muscle)
    • inspect for asymmetry (forehead wrinkles, nasolabial folds, angle of mouth)
    • facial movements -> raise eyebrow, close eyes (don't let me open them), blow out cheeks (don't let me deflate them), smile, pursed lips
  • When are hearing tests done?
    Newborn hearing screening -> routine for all children
    9 months - 2.5 years -> referred for testing if concerns rasied in health & development
    4/5 years -> some children may have a test when they start school
  • How is tegmental thinning diagnosed?
    CT or MRI
  • What is shown in the image?
    TM perforation