
Cards (14)

  • What is the role of a speech & language therapist?
    Provides support & care for children & adults who have difficulties with communication, eating & drinking
    Give tailored exercise & activities to practice in order to improve speech & language skills
  • Who can refer to speech & language therapy?
    District nurse
    Health visitor
    Nursery staff
    Self referral
  • What are the stages of acquiring language?
    Pre-birth stage
    Babbling stage
    Holophrastic stage
    2 word stage
    Telegraphic stage
    After telegraphic stage
  • What is the pre-birth stage of acquiring language?
    Ear begins to function in 3rd trimester
    Foetus can discriminate between speech sounds & other sounds AND can distinguish mother’s voice from other
    NOTE: Children who are born with hearing loss generally have delayed speech by 4-5 months (miss this stage)
  • What is the babbling stage of acquiring language?
    Around 6 months
    8 months -> babbling becomes more distinctive & like native language
  • What is the holophrastic stage of acquiring language?
    12-18 months
    Start to use real words, often accompanied by pointing
    Use words to express emotion, ask for something & name objects
  • What is the 2 word stage of acquiring language?
    Usually 18-24 months
    Enter this stage when they have around 50 words
    Start to put together words
    Have better understanding of the meaning of words
  • What is the telegraphic stage of acquiring language?
    2-2.5 years
    ‘Vocab spurt’
    Able to speak many more words, using pronouns & producing simple sentences
  • What is the after telegraphic stage of acquiring language?
    Early parts of this stage → full sentences begin to emerge
    More complex sentences develop as child gets older
    Language is almost fully acquired by 5-6 years
  • How does hearing loss affect speech development?
    Children with hearing loss cannot hear quiet speech sounds (so do not include them in speech)
    May speak too loud/quiet
    May misundertsand verb tense & pluralisation due to not being able to hear word endings
  • How do people with hearing impairments communicate?
    Lip reading
    May use residual hearing they have
    Sign language
  • What does S&L therapy for children with learning impairments involve?
    Auditory training & listening skills
    Speech intelligibility & voice work
    Vocabulary building
    Following speech w/o sign
    Understanding & use of grammer
    Parent-child interaction therapy & social skills work
  • How can employers prevent occupational deafness?
    Measure noise & implement noise controls as well as a hearing loss prevention program
    Yearly hearing tests for workers exposed to hazardous noise or ototoxic chemicals
  • What are some examples of noise controls?
    Avoiding metal on metal impacts
    Using quieter equipment
    Using barriers & screens to block the direct path of sound