
Cards (9)

  • spatial distribution
    Soil of Taiga Biome - vast continious belt across North America , Europe and Asia between Tundra to the North and temperature grasslands to the South
  • classification of soil
    zonal (mature soil)
  • climatic conditions and influence on the soils
    • needs a downwards flow of water - precipitation is low but due to cool temperatures , precipitation exceeds evapotranspiration
    • confierous trees shelter ground from drying winds which preserve soil moisture
  • why is the nutrient cycle poor in the podsol soils?
    evergreen trees don't absorb calcium , magnesium or potassium so falling leaves don't return these to soil making the nutrient cycle poor
  • vegetation
    coniferous evergreen : Spruce , Fir and Pine
  • how is the soil used by humans?
    mainly used for commercial forestry plantations - in the UK it's associated with upland sheep farming and heather moorland (managed with controlled burning for the breeding of grouse). Grouse shooting employs 2500 people and generates £150m annually
  • the soil is acidic from coniferous trees
  • why is arable farming difficult?
    • lack of nutrients due to acidity
    • formation of iron-pan in B layer = waterlogging. Makes ploughing difficult as machines sink into ground
    • arable farming can take place but requires treatment with lime to reduce acidity
  • consequence of acid in soil
    water travelling through soil is more difficult to dissolve iron minerals