required practical

Cards (6)

  • Quadrat sampling procedure
    1. Place tape measures at right angles to divide the study site into a grid.
    2. Use a random number generator to produce coordinates within the grid. Place a quadrat at each coordinate.
    3. Use a key to identify the species present in each quadrat.
    4. Count the number of individuals, or estimate percentage cover within each quadrat. If you're pushed for time, take photographs of each quadrat instead and do this part later.
    5. Record your results in a table.
    6. Calculate the average abundance of each species.
  • Laying out a transect
    Lay the 30m tape measure in a line from the base of a tree to an open area of ground
  • Placing the quadrat
    1. Put the 25cm x 25cm quadrat against the transect line
    2. One corner of the quadrat should touch the 0 m mark on the tape measure
  • Counting plants in quadrat
    1. Count the number of plants within the quadrat
    2. Record them in the results table
  • Moving the quadrat
    1. Move the quadrat 5m up the transect line
    2. Count the number of plants again
    3. Record in the results table
  • Repeating the process
    1. Continue to place the quadrat at 5 m intervals
    2. Count the number of plants in each quadrat