Problems with Oxygen Therapy

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  • Problems Associated with Oxygen Therapy
    • Oxygen toxicity - when fio2 is greater than 50%, leads to inflammation in lungs
    • Absorption atelectasis - when air from alveoli is absorbed into blood, causing that part of lung to collapse
    • Retinal damage in premature infants
    • Drying of mucous membranes
    • Eye irritation
    • Fire hazard
    • Psychological dependency
    • COPD or CF patients with chronic hypercapnia (PaCO2 levels above 6) – may further increase PaCO2
  • Problems Associated with Oxygen Therapy:
    • COPD or CF patients with chronic hypercapnia (PaCO2 levels above 6) – may further increase PaCO2respiratory centres acknowledge high co2 via chemoreceptors so makes us hyperventilate, but people with COPD or CF's chemoreceptors respond to levels of o2 due to normally having high levels of co2, so decrease respiratory rate when provided extra o2, increasing PaCO2, can cause patient to stop breathing