Multi Store Model Of Memory AO1

Cards (2)

  • MSM
    The first complex model of human memory
  • Atkinson + Shiffrin model of memory

    1. Divided memory into separate, Unitary Stores
    2. Information transfers in a linear fashion
    3. Info from the environment passes to the sensory register
    4. Coded through senses
    5. Very high capacity but very small duration (less than 1½ second)
    6. If attention is paid, then the information moves to the short-term memory
    7. If we repeat (maintenance rehearsal) the info we can keep it in STM
    8. Otherwise the duration is limited (18-30 sec)
    9. Capacity is 7±2 chunks and coding is primarily acoustic
    10. If rehearsal is prolonged, info will pass to the LTM
    11. LTM capacity and duration are potentially unlimited
    12. Most LTM is coded semantically (through meaning)
    13. Information can be forgotten because of decay in any store, also by displacement in STM, and interference in LTM