Equations, Electrochem, and Polymers

Cards (46)

  • E=hv
    h=Planck's Constant (6.63 x 10^-34 J/hertz
  • Faraday's Constant
    9.65*10^4 C*mol^-1
  • A=3cl
    A=absolute absorbance
    3(actually flipped)=molar absorbance coefficent
  • %T=It/I0I_t/I_0*100100
    %T=percent transmittance
    I(t)=intensity of transmitted light
    I(0)=transmitted light through reference
    Note: %T is proportional to absorbance NOT concentration
  • Wavelength=c/vc/v
    c=speed of light (3.0*10^8)
  • E=E0(cathode)E0(anode)E_0(cathode) - E_0(anode)
    E=reduction potential of galvanic cell
    E(c)=reduction potential of the cathode
    E(a)=reduction potential of the anode
  • e=F/L
    Calculating the charge of 1 election
    e=electron charge
    F=Faraday's Constant
    L=Avogadro's Number
  • E=E0RT/nF(ln[Ox]/[Red])E_0-RT/nF(ln[Ox]/[Red])
    E=reduction potential of cell
    E_0=standard reduction potential
    R=gas constant 8.314 J/mol
    n=moles/number of electrons
    F=Faraday's Constant (9.65*10^4 C*mol^-1)
    [Ox] = Concentration of Anode or species being oxidized
    [Red] = Concentration of Cathode or species being reduced
  • delta G = nFE0-nFE^0
    delta G=standard free energy change
    n=number/moles of electrons
    F=Faraday's Constant (9.65*10^4 C*mol^-1)
    E^0=standard reduction potential
    NoteL The more positive the cell potential=the greater tendency for the reaction to proceed to the right
  • v- = 1/2pic(sqrt(k/m)1/2pi c (sqrt(k/m)
    v- = stretching frequency
    c=speed of light (3.0 *10^8 m/s)
    k=force constant
    m=mass average
  • E=E00.0592/n(log[Ox]/[Red])E_0-0.0592/n(log[Ox]/[Red])
    E=reduction potential
    E_0=standard reduction potential
    n=number of electrons
    [Ox] = concentration of anode or oxidative species
    [Red]=concentration of cathode or reductive species
  • Number Average Molar Mass Mn=sumNiMi/sumNisumNiMi/sumNi
    Ni=number of chains/moles with molar mass Mi
    Mi = molar mass
  • Mass Average Molar Mass Mw =sumNiMi2/NiMisumNiMi^2/NiMi
    Mw=Mass average molar mass
    Ni=number of chains/moles at molar mass Mi
    Mi=molar mass
  • Heterogeneity Index: Mw/MnM_w/M_n
    Mw= mass average
    Mn=number average molar mass
  • I=V/RV/R
    I=Current (Amps)
    V=Voltage (V)
  • Don't forget about H in between methyl groups
  • What orbitals are involved in a C-C bond?
  • What orbitals are involved in C double bonded to C?
    p and sp^2
  • What orbitals are involved in C triple bond to C?
    2p and sp
  • The more positive the reduction potential, the more powerful the oxidant
  • i_p=kC0sqrt(v)kC_0sqrt(v)
    i_p=peak current
    k=simple constant including square root of diffusion coefficient
    C0=concentration of bulk solution (mol/cm^3)
    v=scan rate
  • Planck’s Constant
    6.63 x 10^-34
  • The more positive the oxidant, the weaker the reductant species
  • The more positive the reduction potential, the more powerful the oxidant
  • (C+1)+(C+1) +(N/2)(H/2) (N/2) - (H/2)
    Double Bond Equivalence
    C= # of carbon atoms
    N = # of nitrogen atoms
    H = # of hydrogen atoms OR # of halogen atoms
  • Nuclei with both p and n even (Charge and mass are even) have a spin of 0
  • Nuclei with p and n odd have integral spin (Charge is odd but mass is even). Calculated by charge (oxidation number) minus mass
  • Nuclei with odd mass have half integral spin
  • The peak current increases linearly as a function of the squareroot of v.
  • A=log(I0/It)log(I_0/I_t)
    I_0= Intensity of light passed through reference
    I_t= Intensity of light passed
  • 10A=10^A=(I0/It)(I_0/I_t)==I0/(I0Ia)I_0/(I_0-I_a)
    A= absolute absorbance (unitless)
    I_0= Intensity of light through reference
    I_t= Intensity of light transmitted
    I_a =Intensity of light absorbed
  • delta E= yh/B0
    E= Energy of NMR spectrum
    y= Magnoyro Ration (y) = 2.68 x 10^8 s^-1 T^-1
    h = Reduced Planck's Constant (1.05 x 10^-34 J*s)
    B0=Boltzmann Constant (1.38 x 10^-23 J*K^-1)
  • Aromatic Proton (NMR Spectrum)
  • Vinyl Protons

    Note: Vinyl Protons are directly attached to a C-C DOUBLE bond
  • Acetylenic Protons
  • Aldehyde Protons
  • Carboxylic Acid Protons
  • The peak current (Ipkc or Ipka) is directly related to the square root of scan rate (v)
  • Wavelength=c/v
    c=speed of light
    Note: because v- (stretching frequency) is reciprocal of wavelength,
    v- = v/c
  • What IR band is a nitrile?
    2250 cm^1