liver physiology

Cards (8)

  • Liver
    • Largest gland of the body, weighing about 1.4 kg in an average adult
    • Located below the diaphragm, on the right side of the body
    • Main function is secretion of bile
  • Hepatobiliary system
    Includes the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts
  • Liver lobule
    • Six-sided structure (hexagon) that consists of multiple plates of hepatocytes arranged around a central vein
    • At each corner, there is a portal space which contains branches of bile duct, portal vein, and hepatic artery
  • Hepatic plate
    • Contains bile canaliculus that accumulates bile from the hepatocytes and drains it into the bile duct
    • Contains sinusoid vessel that receives blood from the portal vein and the hepatic artery, and drains the blood into the central vein
  • The direction of bile flow in the canaliculus (from center towards the periphery) is opposite to the direction of blood flow in the sinusoid (from periphery to the center)
  • Liver sinusoids
    • Wide, highly permeable capillaries that contain a mixture of venous blood from the portal vein and the arterial blood from the hepatic artery
    • Wall is made of fenestrated endothelial cells, without a basement membrane
    • Hepatocytes are separated from the sinusoids by the space of Disse which contains loose connective tissue
    • Kupffer cells reside in the lumen of sinusoids and act as macrophages that kill bacteria through phagocytosis
  • Blood supply of the liver
    • Receives blood from two sources - the hepatic artery (oxygenated blood) and the portal vein (venous blood containing newly absorbed nutrients, drugs, and possibly microbes and toxins from GIT)
    • Serves as a filter that can remove potentially harmful substances before they get into the systemic circulation
  • Functions of the liver
    • Secretion of bile for fat digestion
    • Detoxication of blood
    • Synthesis of plasma proteins and clotting factors
    • Storage of blood
    • Metabolism of carbohydrates
    • Metabolism of lipids