Cheerleading Motions

Cards (16)

  • Fist
    Hands in a fist with fingers tucked in tight and thumb wrapped closely around, continuing in a straight line from the arm without any breaks at the wrist
  • Clasp
    Hands cupped just below the chin, elbows tucked closely into the sides, can be performed in overhead or low variation
  • Clap
    Hands in blades, used more for stylistic purposes rather than for sound, can also be performed in an overhead variation
  • Hips
    Hands in proper fists sitting right on the hip bone, wrists do not bend forward or backward
  • Clean
    Standing with both feet together and arms squeezed tightly to the side
  • High V
    Both arms extend up at about a 45 degree angle, hands in tight fists with big circles facing the front, slightly in front of the body
  • Low V
    Both arms extend down at about a 45 degree angle, hands in tight fists with big circles facing the front, slightly in front of the body, can also be performed in a "broken" variation
  • Punch
    One arm extends straight up, other sits on the hip, hand in fist with little circle facing forward
  • T
    Both arms extend straight out to the sides parallel to the ground, big circles facing the front, slightly in front of the body
  • Broken T
    T motion with elbows bent all the way in, fists hitting right in front of the armpits with little circles facing out
  • Touchdown
    Both arms extending straight overhead parallel to each other, fists flat on top with little circles facing the front, arms tucked close to the ears
  • Low Touchdown
    Both arms extending straight down parallel to each other, big circles facing the front, arms squeezing in together
  • Daggers/Tabletop
    Broken low touchdown, elbows stay in tight, top of fists stay flat
  • Buckets
    Both arms punching straight out in front, parallel to each other and the ground, fists facing downward
  • Candlesticks
    Same as buckets but hands rotated so big circles are to the sky
  • Punch Across
    One hand stays on the hip or clean to the side while the other crosses in front of the body, can be performed in high or low variation