being in a group is enough to cause conflict and prejudice, won't need to be in direct conflict.
refer to in/out groups (if someone has membership or not)
what three processes are involved in becoming prejudiced?
social categorisation= categorising self within groups (gender)
social identification= take on norms and values of group
social comparison= in order to maintain self esteem we use in group favouritism (group is heterogenous, unique) and negative out group bias (group is homogenous, all the same)
what three variables contribute to IGF?
extent individual identifies with group
extent of comparisons with out group
relevance of comparison to out group
Deutsch and Collins (1951)
investigate equal status, studies desegregated housing projects in NYC. It was predicted deseg would reduce out group bias and intergroup conflict between B&W, which they compared to seg houses in New Jersey.
deseg housewives mixed regularly when doing laundry, meeting in street and at grocers, so they held each other in high regard.
seg housewives held stereotyped of blacks being dangerous and inferior.
evidence for?
tajfel found people favour in group )credible)
Lemyre and Smith (85) replicates Tajfel and found discriminating group Ps had higher self esteem, personal and social identity are linked.
Cialdini (76) personal identity affected by association of football team. Uni students would wear jersey if football team won.
Jane Elliot (80) social categorisation can lead to prejudice (brown v blue eyes)
evidence against?
Tajfel could be better explained by competition rather than favouritism. RCT better explanation?
may not apply cross culturally, Weatherell (82) found NZ polynesians more likely to favour out group so collectivists less likely to show prejudice (generalise?)
individual differences?
incomplete, only focuses on groups and not other factors.
well controlled lab experiment with an IV and DV, cause and effect can be inferred.
demand characteristics present and using matrix is artificial so results don't necessarily apply to real life
can explain issues as diverse as conflict between football/religious groups.
applications in reducing prejudice in society where people identify with in group and discriminate out group.