Tajfel minimal group theory

Cards (3)

  • what is it?
    dividing people into groups is sufficient enough to cause prejudice. explained through SIT, proposing:
    • people allocate selfs to groups and gain identity
    • need to feel good about themselves so seek positive self esteem
    • will want to feel they're the best group so will act on it
  • evidence?
    • study on 64 school boys in Bristol, assigned to meaningless groups and allocated points to boys in own group/other group using matrix.
    • boys tended to allocate more points to in group even though they weren't aware who was in groups and even tried to maximise difference so out group got much less.
  • evaluate?
    • lacks mundane realism, may only reflect norms in some societies, co-op societies may not show this effect.
    • lack generalisability, cannot apply to other populations (Bristol)
    • well controlled lab experiment so high in internal validity but low in eco validity, task was artificial (matrix).
    • can be replicated, standardised procedures.
    • applications can demonstrate how segregation leads to IGF and negative OGB.