cytoplasmosmolarity - Plant cells rely on vacuoles to regulate
Mesophytes - Plants that live in hydrated soil
cuticle - waxy outer coating
xerophytes - Plants that live in dry habitats
Halophytes - Plants that live in salty environments
osmosis - Some species store salts in their roots so the low water potential will draw the solvent in via
Levaes - Salt may be excreted onto (. )to trap water molecules for absorption by leaf cells
Excretory system - Animals utilize an (. ) to control the amount of water that is lost to the environment and maintain osmotic pressure.
Protein metabolism - also
generates waste molecules
re which could disrupt osmotic
osmoconformers - Marine invertebrates with body fluids that are generally hyperosmotic to their surroundings are called (. ) because they allow the osmolarity of their body fluids to match that of the environment.