Cards (79)

  • cytoplasm is also called as "everything inside"
  • cytoplasm - watery solutions of minerals, gases, organic molecules and cell organelles that is found in between the cell membrane and the nucleus
  • cytosol - the watery portion of cytoplasm
  • nucleoplasm - can be seen inside the nucleus
  • organelles - allows different functions to be compartmentalized ( organized in different parts) in different areas of the cell
  • you can think of organelles as a kitchen cooking meals where you need to make stations to make it more efficient
  • endoplasmic reticulum - it is where proteins and glycoproteins are made
  • endoplasmic reticulum - proteins and glycoproteins are made here because the ribosomes are located here which is responsible for the protein synthesis
  • endoplasmic reticulum is also called as the biosynthetic factory of the cell
  • Rough ER - is rough because it has ribosomes
  • Rough ER - provides a large surface area for the sythesis of proteins and glycoproteins
  • Rough ER - provides a pathway for the transport of proteins throughout the cell
  • Smooth ER - is smooth because it lacks ribosomes
  • Smooth ER is often Tubular in appearance
  • Smooth ER stores, transport, and synthesizes lipids and carbohydrates
  • Smooth ER is where DNA IS NOT made because it is the one that instructs what to do
  • Ribosomes is also known as the "protein factory".
  • Ribosomes - it is small cytoplasmic granules found in all cells
  • Ribosomes - may occur in the cytoplasm ( free ribosomes) or be associated with the rough er
  • Ribosomes can be 80s that can be found in eukaryotic cells about 25 m
  • ribosomes can size up to 70s that can be found in prokaryotic cells that can also tend to be slightly smaller
  • Svedberg unit is used to describe the size of the ribosomes
  • the more ribosomes the more proteins
  • Enzymes - catalize chemical reactions
  • Enzymes - is mostly made out of membranes in order to communicate
  • you will know that a certain thing is an enzyme when its name has ase on it
  • all proteins are enzymes
  • free floating ribosomes - products will be incorporated in chemical reactions and catalyzed by the enzymes
  • proteasome - takes care of the toxic and error proteins
  • proteasome - a barrel-shaped organelle made of enzymes that cut protein molecules apart (protease enzymes)
  • proteasome is particularly important during cell division and during embryonic development when great changes are taking place very rapidly as cells become specialized
  • anti oxidants attacks free radicals
  • free radicals make you look older and are mostly made out of proteins
  • proteins attack free radicals ( functional for oxidative stress )
  • Golgi apparatus is more compact than smooth er
  • cis phase of golgi apparatus - receives
  • golgi apparatus consists of cistarnae ( mattened sacal, with veiscles (small rounded hallow structures
  • pinching of vesicles forms individual vesicles
  • add carbohydrates to protein to form glycoproteins
  • golgi apparatus produce secretory enzymes and carbohydrates