Fire can be considered as oneofthemostsignificantdiscoveriesduringtheancienttimes
Fire can be a friendbecause of itsmanyuses
Fire canalsobeanenemy
Errors and accidentsinvolvingelectricity, chemicals, vehicles, and machinescanleadtofire
Evenhouseholdsitems such as candles, matchsticks, and stovescantriggerfire
The combustion or burning of substances combined chemically with oxygen from the air and typically give off light and heat
Fire triangle
Oxygen is needed to sustain combustion
There must be fuel or combustible material
Sufficient heat is needed to raise the material to its ignition temperature
Fire tetrahedron
Oxygen is needed to sustain combustion
There must be fuel or combustible material
Sufficient heat is needed to raise the material to its ignition temperature
A chemical chain reaction should takeplace in the material
Stages of fire
1. Ignitionstage
2. Growth
3. Fully developed
4. Decay (burnout)
Fire continues until all of the available fuel is consumed, the fuel/oxygen is removed, the temperature is reduced by cooling, and the number of molecules is reduced and the chain reaction is broken
Classes of fire
ClassA (Metro Ayala fire, Twins B1 and B2 house fire, Riverdale wildfire)
ClassC (Monica Delos Reyes house fire)
ClassB (LPG tank explosion in restaurant)
Types of fire
Natural hazards (earthquake, volcanic eruption, drought and high temperatures)
Human-made conditions (transportation accidents, chemical explosion, faulty electrical connections)
Mismanagement (negligence, irresponsible handling of fire)