Modern-day people have been "torn away" from their prehistoric union with nature and with one another, yet they have the power of reasoning, foresight, and imagination
Feelings of loneliness and isolation due to humanity's separation from the natural world
Humanistic psychoanalysis
Emphasises the influence of sociobiological factors, history, economics, and class structure
Lack of animalinstinct + presence of rational thought = "freaks of universe"
Erich Fromm was born in Germany in March 23, 1900, the only child of orthodox Jewish parents
Fromm was influenced by the bible, Freud, and Marx, as well as by socialist ideology
After receiving his PhD, Fromm began studying psychoanalysis and became an analyst by virtue of being analyzed by Hanns Sachs, a student of Freud
In 1934, Fromm moved to the United States and began a psychoanalytic practice in New York, where he also resumed his friendship with Karen Horney
Human dilemma
Have no power instincts to adapt to a changing world; instead they have acquired the facility to reason (both blessing & curse)
Existential dichotomies
Life and Death
Capable of thinking the goal of complete self-realization, but we are also aware that life is too short to reach that goal
People are ultimately alone, but we can't tolerate isolation
According to Fromm, our human dilemma cannot be solved by satisfying our animal needs
The drive for union with another person or other person
Three basic ways of relatedness
Submission - a person can submit to another, to a group, or to an institution in order to become one with the world
Power - domineering person
Love - the only route by which a person can become united with the world and, at the same time, achieve individuality and integrity
Union with somebody, or something outside oneself under the condition of retaining the separateness and integrity of one's own self
Elements of love
Types of love
Brotherly love - the most fundamental, the strongest, and the most underlying kind of love. It is a love between equals
Motherly love - the love and care for the helpless, the wanting to make them strong and independent
Erotic love - usually allied with sexual experience, a "craving for complete function," and is what most consider the only kind of love
Self-love - care, responsibility, respect, and knowledge of self
Love of God - has the highest value, is the most desirable good, and emphasizes care, respect, responsibility, and especially knowledge
Urge to rise above a passive and accidental existence and into the "realm of purposefulness and freedom"
Malignant aggression
To kill for reasons other than survival
Malignant aggression
Positive component: Creativity
Negative component: Destruction
The need to establish roots or to feel at home again in the world
Positive component: Wholeness
Negative component: Fixation
Fromm's Oedipuscomplex
Desire to return to the mother's womb or breast
Sense of identity
Capacity to be aware of ourselves as a separate entity
Sense of identity
Positive component: Individuality
Negative component: Adjustment to a group or Conformity
Frame of orientation
Road map or consistent philosophy by which we find our way through the world
Frame of orientation
Positive component: Rational goals
Negative component: Irrational goals
Summary of Fromm's human needs
Relatedness: Submission or domination vs Love
Transcendence: Destructiveness vs Creativeness
Rootedness: Fixation vs Wholeness
Sense of identity: Adjustment to a group (conformity) vs Individuality
Frame oforientation: Irrational goals vs Rational goals
Burden of freedom
Fromm believes that we are free to be and do whatever we please. Yet it is very freedom that creates greatest problem for us.
Basic anxiety
Freedom can be frightening
Two types of responses to the burden of freedom
Escapefrom freedom
Escape from freedom/Mechanism of escape
1. Authoritarianism - the tendency to "fuse one's self with somebody or something outside of oneself in order to acquire the strength which the individual self is lacking"
2. Destructiveness - the individual attempts to overcome life's threatening situations by destroying them
3. Automaton conformity - the individual simply has a blind acceptance of all of the contradictions of life
Positive freedom
Refers to spontaneous and full expression of both the rational and emotional potentialities. They act according to their basic natures and not according to conventional rules.
Character orientation
People relate to the world in two ways - by acquiring and using things (assimilation) and by relating to self and others (socialization). In general terms, people can relate to things and to people either productively or non-productively.
Non-productive orientation
Marketing orientation - See themselves as commodities ("I am as you desire me)
Receptive orientation - Only way to relate to the world is passively receiving things
Exploitative orientation - Aggressively take what they want
Productive orientation
Productive people work toward positive freedom and a continuing realization of their potential, they are the most healthy of all character types.
Three dimensions: Work, Love, Reasoning
More generalized sense to denote any attraction to death. Necrophilic personalities hate humanity, they are bullies, they love destruction, terror, and torture.
Malignant narcissism
People with this disorder are preoccupied with themselves, but this concern is not limited to admiring themselves in a mirror.
Obsessive attention to one's health
Moral hypochondriasis
A preoccupation with guilt about previous transgressions
Incestuous symbiosis
Extreme dependence on mother or mother surrogate. Exaggerated form of mother fixation.
Establish a union with patients so that they can become reunited with the world. Fromm believed that patients come to therapy seeking satisfaction of their basic human needs.