
Cards (22)

  • Memory

    A process of information flowing through a system
  • Cognitive psychologists

    • Explain how information flows in mental systems
  • Encoding
    Changing the form of information as it comes in so it can be stored in the brain
  • Types of encoding
    • Mental imagery (visual)
    • Acoustic (voice)
    • Semantic (meaning)
  • Storage
    Keeping all the information sometimes for your entire life
  • Short-term memory

    Holds information you pay attention to, lasts about 18 seconds
  • Maintenance rehearsal

    Repeating information in short-term memory
  • Elaborative rehearsal
    Giving meaning to information in short-term memory
  • Types of long-term memory
    • Episodic (personal experiences)
    • Semantic (facts and meanings)
    • Procedural (skills)
  • Episodic and semantic memories use different brain regions, suggesting they are separate processes
  • HM lost ability to form new episodic and semantic memories but not procedural memories after surgery
  • Memories are often complex combinations of different types of memory
  • Multi-store model
    A model that describes how information is processed in the mind, created by Atkinson and Shiffrin in 1968
  • Memory stores in the multi-store model
    • Sensory memory
    • Short-term memory
    • Long-term memory
  • Information processing in the multi-store model
    1. Sensory information enters the brain
    2. Attention is paid to some information, which passes to short-term memory
    3. Information in short-term memory is either lost or processed and passed to long-term memory through rehearsal (maintenance or elaborative)
  • Sensory memory

    • Information is coded by modality, capacity is very large, duration is very short (around 250 milliseconds)
  • Short-term memory
    • Information is coded acoustically, capacity is around 7 items plus or minus 2, duration is very short (around 18 seconds)
  • The multi-store model is supported by evidence that the stores are separate, such as the case study of Clyde Wearing
  • The multi-store model is criticised for being too simplistic, as long-term memory is not just one store and short-term memory is better explained by the working memory model
  • Serial position effect
    The phenomenon where recall of items in a list depends on their position, with better recall for items at the start (primacy effect) and end (recency effect) of the list
  • Murdoch's study investigated the serial position effect and provided evidence for both long-term and short-term memory stores
  • multi store model of memory
    3 different stores
    A) rehearsal
    B) long term memory
    C) sensory store
    D) attentio
    E) information gets lost
    F) short term memory