Final Exam - Part 1 of Ion and Water Balance

Cards (21)

  • Control of ion and water balance
    • Animals use different combinations of tissues to control ion and water balance in the various internal and external environments
    • These tissues regulate three homeostatic processes: osmotic regulation, ionic regulation, and nitrogen excretion
  • Osmotic regulation
    Animals cannot actively pump water, control of osmotic pressure requires movement of solutes
  • Ionic regulation
    Control of ionic composition: blood - interstitial - cellular
  • Nitrogen excretion
    Protein catabolism creates ammonia, which is excreted as ammonia, urea, or uric acid
  • Types of fluid
    • Interstitial fluid
    • Blood
    • Lymph
    • Hemolymph
  • Ionoconformer
    • Exert little control over solute concentration within the extracellular space, exclusively marine animals
  • Ionoregulator
    • Control the ion profile of the extracellular space
  • Osmoconformer
    • Internal and external osmolarity are similar, marine invertebrates
  • Osmoregulator
    • Osmolarity is constant regardless of the external environment
  • Stenohaline
    Can tolerate a narrow range of salinity
  • Euryhaline
    Can tolerate a wide range of salinity
  • The crab eating frog is the exception among amphibians that can live in saline environments and maintain hypoosmotic internal fluids
  • Sources of water
    • Dietary water
    • Metabolic water
    • Drinking (freshwater vs seawater)
    • Dietary solutes
  • Classification of solutes
    • Perturbing (disrupt function, e.g. Na+, K+, Cl-, SO4+, charged amino acids)
    • Compatible (little effect, e.g. polyols, uncharged amino acids)
    • Counteracting (disruptive on their own but offset each other in combination)
  • Animals use multiple tissues to control water and ion balance
  • Fish gills
    • Contain mucus secreting cells, chloride cells (mitochondrial rich), and pavement cells (mitochondrial rich and poor), direction of ion transport depends on water salinity
  • Fish gills in freshwater
    • Take up ions against gradient, mitochondrial rich pavement cells have apical H+ ATPase, Na+ channel, Na+/H+ exchanger, and basolateral Na+/K+ ATPase, chloride cells have apical Cl-/HCO3- exchange and basolateral Cl- channel
  • Diadromous fish migration
    • Catadromous (live in freshwater, migrate to saltwater to spawn), anadromous (live in saltwater, migrate to freshwater to spawn), ion transport functions of epithelia must change during migration, controlled by hormones
  • Smoltification
    The process of changing from saltwater to freshwater or vice versa, involves physiological, morphological, biochemical, and behavioural changes in preparation for migration and life in the new environment
  • Salt glands
    • Reptiles and birds possess salt glands near the eye that excrete hyperosmotic solutions of Na+ and Cl-, use ion pumps and countercurrent system
  • Salt gland - rectal gland
    • Accessory excretory organ in elasmobranchs that actively transports Na+ and Cl- from the blood, uses basolateral Na/K/2Cl, basolateral Na/K ATPase, basolateral K channel, and apical Cl channel for salt excretion, similar process to marine teleost gill, salt gland of birds/reptiles