Cards (4)

  • Catholics believe that human is made up of the body (mortal) and the soul (immortal). The soul will live onto the afterlife and the body will perish. This is based on the resurrection of Jesus
  • It is believed that humanity will face two judgements:
    Individual judgement - Happens at the moment of death when an individual will be judged based on how they live their life
    Final judgement - Will come at the end of time when all of humanity will be raised from the dead and body and soul will be reunited
  • Parable of the Sheep and Goat teaches life after death
  • The soul will either go to:
    Heaven - eternity in the presence of God
    Hell - A place of eternal fire that symbolises pain and suffering
    Purgatory - Place where some who have sinned are purified in a 'cleansing fire' after which they are accepted into Heaven