Climate Change

Cards (12)

  • Evidence for climate change
    Shrinking glaciers and melting ice
    • Rising sea level (ice melts, oceans expand due to high temperatures)
    Seasonal changes (early flowering and bird migration)
  • Natural causes of climate change
    Orbital changes
    Major volcanic eruptions
    Solar output
  • Human cause of climate change
    • Burning fossil fuels
    • Dumping waste in landfill - methane
    Agriculture - cows and rice
  • Impacts of climate change in the UK
    - sea levels could rise, covering low lying areas, in particular east England

    - droughts and floods become more likely as extreme weather increases

    - increased demand for water in hotter summers puts pressure on water supplies

    - Industry may be impacted, eg Scottish ski resorts may have to close due to lack of snow
  • Impacts of climate change around the world
    - sea level rise will affect 80 million people

    - tropical storms will increase in magnitude (strength)

    - species in affected areas (eg Arctic) may become extinct

    - diseases such as malaria increase, an additional 280 million people may be affected
  • Mitigation
    the action of reducing the severity and rate of climate change
  • Adaptation
    Respond to climate change by limiting its negative impacts
  • Mitigation strategies - Alternative energy
    - solar, wind, or tidal
    - reduces use of fossil fuels
  • Mitigation strategies - carbon captures
    - Reduces emissions from fossil fuels
    - By capturing CO2 and transporting it to places where it can be stored safely
  • Mitigation Strategies - International Agreements
    - In 1997, most countries signed the Kyoto Protocol an international agreement that requires each country to monitor and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by a certain amount.
  • Mitigation strategies - Planting trees
    planting trees increase CO2 absorbed from atmosphere by photosynthesis
  • Adaptation strategies
    Agriculture - farmers will have to adapt as some crops may not be able to grow in a warmer climate. However, other crops (eg oranges and grapes) will be able to be planted.

    Water supply - water transfer schemes could be used. This is where water is transferred from an area of water surplus to an area of water shortage.

    Reducing risk from sea level rise - areas at risk from sea level rise may use sea defences to protect the land from being eroded away.