GEL 1: The generations

Cards (41)

  • Generations
    Social groups of people born within a defined period that share similar cultural traits, values, and preferences
  • Generations
    • Lost Generation
    • G.I. Generation (Generation Interconnection)
    • The Silent Generation
    • Baby Boomers
    • Thirteeners or Generation X (GenXer)
    • Millennials or Generation Y
    • New Silent Generation or Generation Z
  • G.I. Generation (1900-1924)

    • Assertive and energetic doers, excellent team players, community-minded, strongly interested in personal morality and near-absolute standards of right and wrong, has strong sense of personal civic duty, strong loyalty to jobs, groups, schools, etc. They believe that marriage is for life and the saying "use it up, fix it up, make it do, or do without"
  • The Silent Generation (born 1925–45)

    • Hardworking, Have Willpower, Loyal Employees, Respect Authority, Waste Not, Want Not, Can Be Tech-Challenged, They're Traditional
  • Baby Boomers (1946 – 1964)

    • Motivated to Work, Smart Decision-Making Abilities, Self-assured Nature, Competitive in Nature, Dedication towards Goals, Highly Resourceful, Confident in Nature, Disciplined in Nature, Liberal for Cultural Identities, Focused on Nature, Team Oriented, Aware of Civil Rights
  • Thirteeners or Generation X (GenXer) (19651979)

    • Entrepreneurial, Focused, Cautious about personal life, More digitally advanced than Baby Boomers
  • Millennials or Generation Y (19802000)

    • Curious, Individualistic, Socially Aware, Driven towards financial stability, Tech-savvy, Multi-taskers, Prefer work-life balance
  • New Silent Generation or Generation Z (2001 – onwards)
    • Tech-savvy, Connected, Value authenticity, peer acceptance, security, optimistic, confident, want to create an impact
  • Generational naming began in the 20th century
  • The term "Lost Generation" was coined by Gertrude Stein to refer to those born in the 20th century whose lives were devoted to service during World War I
  • Millennials comprise the biggest age grouping in history in America, mostly teens and 20-somethings
  • In the Philippines, one-third of the population is made up of millennials aged 15 to 35 years old
  • Millennials in the Philippines are described as social media dependent and the "selfie" generation, often spending on luxury goods and described as narcissists or the "Me, Me, Me Generation"
  • Millennials are also described as politically and socially-engaged compared to other generations
  • The Silent Generation is the generation born between 1928-45
  • Baby Boomers are the generation born between 1946-64
  • Generation X is the generation born between 1965-79
  • Silents grew up with the Great Depression and WWII
  • They have been called the "silent generation" because they did not protest against war like their children (Baby Boomers)
  • Generation X is the generation born between 1965-76
  • Millennials are the generation born between 1977-95
  • Post Millennial/Gen Z is the generation born between 1996-present
  • Gen Z is the generation born between 1997-present
  • Silents are known for being conservative, hardworking, patriotic, and loyal
  • Silents were raised by parents who lived through the depression, so they learned to be frugal and hardworking.
  • Silents tend to be more conservative than younger generations
  • Millennials are the generation born between 1980-96
  • Baby boomers experienced prosperity during their childhood years
  • GenX'ers were raised by Baby Boomer parents who had high expectations, but also gave them freedom to explore and be independent.
  • Gen Z is the generation born between 1996-2012
  • The Silent Generation was named so because they were quiet about social issues, unlike their parents who fought during World War II.
  • Millennials are often referred to as the "digital natives". They grew up with computers and cell phones at home and school.
  • The Silent Generation was named so by sociologist William Strauss and Neil Howe, who also coined the term Millennial.
  • Strauss and Howe argue that this generation has been shaped by two major events - World War II and the Great Depression.
  • Millennials are known for being optimistic, team players, and tech savvy
  • Baby Boomers are the generation born between 1945-63
  • Millennials grew up with technology and have been called "digital natives"
  • The Silent Generation is the generation born between 1925-44
  • Millennials are often seen as entitled and lazy due to their use of social media
  • Generation X is the generation born between 1964-80