Guerilla tactics

Cards (19)

  • Would attack when they outnumbered the enemy
  • Attack in small units, named 'cells'
  • Had intricate and extensive, deep underground tunnel systems for protection 

    They contained storage of food and water
    Sleeping quarters
    Chambers for meetings
    Traps for troops to be caught
  • Punji traps
    Sharpened bamboo spears, hidden underground to be fallen on by troops to pierce their skin and smeared on by animal excrement infect wounds
  • Bouncing betties
    Mines that when triggered launched and detonated 1m above ground, they were designed to injure not kill, to detonate at waist length
  • The vietcong would disguise as villagers
    Wouldn't wear uniform
  • Traveled lightly- For quick movement 

    Only carry rice rations, relied on villagers for supplies
  • Surprise attacks and ambushes which were crucial to psychologically hindering US troops
  • Recruitment
    Recruited anyone, villagers/peasants
  • Poison snakes 

    Often used inside traps
  • Treetops and Jungle
    Crucial to hiding the vietcong, they used their knowledge of land to fight against the Americans
  • Spike boards
    Triggering one, caused the other side of the board to fly up, stabbing the soldier with many spikes impaling them
  • Side-closing traps
    When triggered, the sides were covered in spikes and would close in to completely impale the enemy
  • Venus fly trap
    When falling into them, you were immediately spiked from all sides surrounding
  • Bear trap
    A soldiers foot would fall in and be met by spikes, greatly damaging soldiers limbs
  • Tiger traps
    Triggered by a wire, a big board of spikes would fall ontop of the soldier from above
  • Mace traps
    A huge, spiked wooden log/ball which swung into victims
  • Hornet traps
    The use of hornets
  • Guerilla warfare
    Psychologically hindered the American troops, and caused so much fear and terror that would lower performance and have army focused on hospitality