Transparent optical device that manipulates light through refraction
Originates from the Latin word "lenticula," referring to a seed with a shape resembling a lens
Have one or more curved surfaces
Spherical lenses have at least one spherical surface
Convex lens
Thicker in the middle
Concave lens
Thicker at the edges
Convex lens
Used to correct farsightedness
Concave lens
Used to correct nearsightedness
Optical Center (P)
The point through which all light rays pass without being bent
Double concave or double convex lenses
The optical center is the geometric center
Convex Lens - Principal Focus (F)
Parallel rays falling on the lens are refracted and converge to a point
Concave Lens - Principal Focus (F)
Parallel rays falling on the lens spread out, and the refracted rays appear to come from a point in front of the lens
Focal Length (f)
The distance from the optical center of the lens to the principal focus
Thin Lenses
The focal points are equidistant from the center of the lens even though the curvature on each side is different
Secondary Focus (2F)
The focal point that is twice the distance from the optical center as the principal focus (F)
Converging Lenses
The principal focus (F) is behind the lens, and the secondary focus (F') is in front of it
Diverging Lenses
The principal focus (F) and the secondary focus (F') are in front of and behind the lens, respectively
Principal Axis
The line joining the optical center and the principal focus
For any object distance from the lens, the image formed by a concave lens is: Virtual, Upright, Smaller than the object, and Located on the same side of the lens as the object.
Concave lenses form the same kind of image as convex mirrors.
Convex lenses form the same image as concave mirrors.
For any object distance from the lens, the image formed by a concave lens is: Virtual, Upright, Smaller than the object, and Located on the same side of the lens as the object.
Convex lenses form the same image as concave mirrors.
Concave lenses form the same kind of image as convex mirrors.
The camera compensates for the eye’s inability to produce permanent records of the images formed in the retina.
Camera Obscura:
The predecessor of the modern camera.
A darkened box with a single small opening on one wall and a white projection screen on the opposite wall.
Projects an inverted, real image of a brightly lit exterior object onto the white wall.
Credited to Arab-Persian scientist Hasan Ibn al-Haytham.
In 1826, French inventor Joseph Nicéphore Niépce created the first photographic image using a camera obscura fitted with a lens to project an image onto light-sensitive paper.
Both the human eye and the camera process light and record images, but they do it in different ways.
When focusing, a camera lens moves to adjust the distance between lens elements/groups and the image sensor.
The eye changes shape with the help of ocular muscles to focus on objects at different distances.
Both have converging lenses that focus light, but differ in how they adjust to let different amounts of light in.
The human eye adjusts the amount of light through the iris, while the camera adjusts the aperture (diaphragm).
Human Eye:
Processes light and delivers information directly to the brain.
Uses light to record images on a chip, film, or memory card.
Magnifying Glass
A converging lens (convex) that produces virtual, upright, and enlarged images of an object placed at a distance less than its focal length
Using a magnifying glass
1. Hold close to the eye
2. Allows a bigger image to be formed on the retina
Eye's focusing distance
Can clearly focus on an object at least 25 cm away
Object placed closer than 25 cm
Retinal image becomes blurred
Use of a magnifying glass
Enables moving the object closer to the eye without requiring the eye to focus closer than 25 cm
Magnifying glass
A short-focused one produces greater magnification than a long-focused one
A magnifying glass is often combined with another converging lens to achieve greater magnification.
The result is an optical device called a compound microscope.
Compound microscopes are designed to ensure that the eye is fully relaxed when viewing the final image.
Eye Relaxation and Image Distance: This relaxation is only possible if the final image is very far from the eyepiece or at infinity.
Objective and Eyepiece Alignment: This occurs when the first image formed by the objective falls very near the focal point of the eyepiece.
Magnification: Greater magnification is achieved by using short-focused objective and eyepiece lenses.
Invention of the Compound Microscope: The compound microscope is credited to the father and son team of Hans and Zacharias Janssen, who invented it in 1590.