
Cards (68)

  • is an alternative to incarceration especially when an offense in not a serious one and that suitable program within the community can best undertaken
    community-based treatment program
  • it is a phase of penology and therefore, it must be viewed in its relation to other aspects of the enforcement of the criminal laws and the entire criminal justice system processes
  • is a form of treatment of the convicted offenders, it is the suspensions of the execution of sentence imposed by the court, it is a substitute for imprisonment
  • probation started in england in the year
  • Father of probation in england
    Matthew Davenport Hill
  • in United States , probation was practiced in Boston by?
    John Augustus
  • He is considered the Father of Probation in the World
    John Augustus
  • his method of helping the offender was to provide bail for a temporary suspension or postponement of sentence at the same time helping the accused find homes, secure employment and adjusting family difficulties
    John Augustus
  • an ex-chief of police was named by the government and the first probation officer employed
    Edward N. Savage
  • In what year did Massachusetts passed a law signed by Governor Alexander H. Rice, requiring all criminal courts to employ a probation officer

  • In the Philippines, the Philippine Assembly passed Act No. 4221 known as?
    Probation Act
  • Probation was abolished after almost two years of operation because Public Act 4221 was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme court in the case of?
    People vs. Vera
  • On July 24, 1976, Presidential Decree No. 968, also known as?
    Adult Probation Law of 1976
  • Adult probation law was enacted on?
    July 24, 1976
  • The probation system started to operate on?
    January 3, 1978
  • a member of the clergy when brought to trial by the King's court may be claimed by the Bishop or chaplain of the church
    Benefits of Clergy
  • another device for modifying the severity of the law which was a temporary withholding/withdrawing of a sentence for an interval of time
    Judicial reprieve
  • an older method of deferring judgment binding over for good behavior, involving an obligation, or promise, sworn under court order
  • an ancient practice of banishment which lasted more than 200 years as a principal method of disposing offenders
  • under the corrections pillar there are 3 major government agencies involved;
    DOJ, DILG and DSWD
  • supervises the national penitentiaries through the Bureau of corrections, administers the parole and probation system through the Parole and Probation Administration and assists the President in the grant of executive clemency through the Board of Pardons and Parole
  • supervises the provincial, district, city and municipality through the provincial governments and the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology, respectively
  • supervises the regional rehabilitation centers for minor offenders and drug dependent
  • under DILG there are three agencies which are?
    BJMP, LGU's and DSWD
  • has its principal task of rehabilitating national prisoners or those sentenced to serve a term of imprisonment of more than 3 years
    Bureau of Corrections
  • The Parole and Probation Administration was created pursuant to?
    PD 968
  • what are the agencies of the Philippine government under DOJ?
    PPA and BPP
  • is a disposition under which a defendant, after conviction and sentence is released subject to conditions imposed by the court and to the supervision of a probation officer
  • the probation officer shall submit to the court the investigation report on a defendant not later than how many days?
  • the court shall resolve the petition for probation not later than how many days?
  • pending submission of the investigation report and the resolution of the petition, the defendant may be allowed on temporary liberty under his?
  • in case there was no bail was filed or that the defendant is incapable of filing one, the court may allow the release of defendant on?
  • probation aides - shall not receive any regular compensation for services except for reasonable travel allowance
  • The probation Law Administration was created by virtue of Presidential Decree 968 which is known as
    The Probation Law of 1976
  • petitioner - a convicted defendant who files an application for probation
  • probationer - a person who is placed under probation
  • probation officer - public officer who investigates for the Trial court a referral for probation or supervises a probationer or does both functions and performs other necessary and related duties
  • trial court - refers to the regional trial court RTC of the province or city/municipality court which has jurisdiction over the case
  • Probation office - refers to either to the Provincial or City probation office directed to conduct investigation or supervision referrals as the case may be
  • probation order - order of the trial court granting probation