"Any Researchers who desires to become expert at doing qualitative analysis must learn to code well and easily. The quality of the researchers rests largely on the excellence of Coding" Strauss (1987)
Qualitative Data Analysis
Formulating Themes
Data verification
Transcription - involves close observations of data through repeated careful listening (and/or watching), and this is an important first step in Data Analysis.
Code - Identifying concepts from collected (raw) data
Coding Concepts:
Descriptive Coding
Process Coding
In Vivo Coding
Pattern Coding
Simultaneous Coding
Descriptive Coding - summarizes that primary topic of excerpt
Process Coding - a word or phrase that captures action
In Vivo Coding - using the participant's own language
Pattern Coding - coding for patterns in the data
Simultaneous Coding - applying multiple codes to the same text
Categorizing - linking codes to create a unit or a category
Pattern - Identifying repeated units (a pattern from categories)
Themes - generated when similar issues and ideas expressed by participants within qualitative data are brought together by researcher into a single category or cluster
Process in Qualitative Analysis
Know your data
Focus your analysis
Do coding
Clean your data
Identify meaningful patterns and themes
Interpret your data
Conclusion - the aim is to intergrade them to come up a comprehensive, logical, and smart answer or explanation or the research question
Conclusion - Inferences, deductions, abstractions, implications, interpretations, general statements and/or generalizations based upon the finding. It should also answer the questions that was raised in the first part of the research
Recommendation - a suggestion that improves the study for future research to be conducted on the field