Literature Review - Reviewing the major works, literature regarding your narrow topic
Writing Process
Collect Sources
Analyze and Evaluate
Arrange and Outline
Summarize and Write
Research Methodology - A chapter that shows how the problem will be investigated; a chapter that contains the plan in collecting and analyzing data
Research method - strategy used in collection of data for analysis to come up with new information or to understand a particular topic or phenomenon
Research Design - the approach used to identify the most appropriate tool
Research Instrument - Tool used to collect, measure and analyze data
Validity - refers to the extent to which an instrument measures what is was intended to measure.
Purposive Sampling - researchers intentionally select participants with specific characteristics or unique experiences related to the research question.
Convenience Sampling - participants are selected based on their accessibility and willingness to participate rather than their suitability for the research question.
Snowball Sampling - identifying a few initial participants who meet the eligibility criteria and asking them to refer others they know who also fir the requirements.