exam 3

Cards (33)

  • label nervous tissue
    A) axon
    B) myelin sheath
    C) endoneurium
    D) perineurium
    E) epineurium
    F) fascicle
    G) blood vessels
  • label nervous tissue (microscope)
    A) neurons
    B) nuclei of nueroglia
    C) extracellular matrix
    D) dendrites
    E) axon
  • label parts of neuron
    A) dendrites
    B) cell body
    C) axon hillock
    D) axoplasm
    E) axon colateral
    F) myelin sheath
    G) axon
    H) axolemma
    I) nucleus
    J) mitochondrion
    K) nissel bodies
    L) neurofibrils
    M) intermediate filaments
    N) axon terminals
    O) telodendria
    P) target cells
  • neuroglial cells are the most abundant type in nervous system
  • the 4 types of neuroglial cells in CNS:
    1. astrocytes
    2. oligodendrocytes
    3. microglial
    4. epndymal
    the 2 types of neuroglial cells in PNS:
    1. Schwann cells
    2. satellite cells
  • synapses: junction between a neuron and another neuron or effector organ
  • label a synapse
    A) axon terminal
    B) presynaptic neuron
    C) synaptic vesicle
    D) neurotransmitter molecules
    E) synaptic cleft
    F) postsynaptic neuron
    G) synaptic cleft
    H) neurotransmitter receptor
  • 3 main layers protect the brain and spinal cord:
    1. dura mater: tough, leathery outermost layer
    2. arachnoid mater: spiderweb like middle layer
    3. pia mater: very thin innermost layer conforming to the shape and contours of the brain
  • between the layers you have the subdural space
  • label the brain (lateral view)
    A) precentral gyrus
    B) central sulcus
    C) postcentral gyrus
    D) lateral fissure
    E) frontal lobe
    F) parietal lobe
    G) temporal lobe
    H) occipital lobe
  • label brain (superior view)
    A) left frontal lobe
    B) longitudinal fissure
    C) right frontal lobe
    D) precentral gyrus
    E) central sulcus
    F) postcentral gyrus
    G) left parietal lobe
    H) right parietal lobe
    I) left occipital lobe
    J) right occipital lobe
  • label the sheep brain
    A) arbor vitae
    B) corpus callosum
    C) fornix
    D) thalamus
    E) optic chiasm
    F) pons
    G) medulla oblongata
    H) spinal cord
    I) cerebrum
    J) cerebellum
  • label the spinal cord
    A) cervical enlargement
    B) spinal nerves
    C) posterior median sulcus
    D) lumbar enlargement
    E) conus medullaris
    F) vertebral cavity
    G) cauda equina
    H) filum terminale
    I) first and second lumbar nerves
  • label internal spinal cord
    A) gray
    B) posterior horn
    C) lateral horn
    D) anterior horn
    E) meninges
    F) pia mater
    G) arachnoid mater
    H) dura mater
    I) central canal
    J) posterior median sulcus
    K) white
    L) posterior funiculus
    M) lateral funiculus
    N) anterior funiculus
    O) posterior root ganglion
    P) anterior root
    Q) posterior root
    R) anterior median fissure
  • label cranial nerves
    A) olfactory nerve CN I
    B) oculomotor nerve CN III
    C) abducens nerve CN VI
    D) trigeminal nerve CN V
    E) vestibulocochlear nerve CN VIII
    F) vagus nerve CN X
    G) hypoglossal nerve CN XII
    H) spinal accessory nerve CN XI
    I) glossopharyngeal nerve CN IX
    J) facial nerve CN VII
    K) trochlear nerve CN IV
    L) optic nerve CN II
  • cranial nerve (sensory of motor)
    1. olfactory = sensory
    2. optic = sensory
    3. oculomotor = motor
    4. trochlear = motor
    5. trigeminal = both
    6. abducens = motor
    7. facial = both
    8. vestibulocochlear = sensroy
    9. glossopharyngeal = both
    10. vagus = both
    11. accessory = motor
    12. hypoglossal = motor
  • cranial nerves
    1. olfactory
    2. optic
    3. oculomotor
    4. trochlear
    5. trigeminal
    6. abducens
    7. facial
    8. vestibulocochlear
    9. glossopharyngeal
    10. vagus
    11. accessory
    12. hypoglossal
  • cranial nerves functions:
    1. olfactory I = olfactory epithelium
    2. optic II = eyeball
    3. oculomotor III = eye muscles
    4. trochlear IV = eye muscles
    5. abducens VI = eye muscles
    6. trigeminal V = facial skin and muscles of mastication
    7. facial VII = facial muscles, tongue, salivary glands
    8. vestibulocochlear VIII = inner ear
    9. glossopharyngeal IX = tongue and pharynx
    10. vagus X = viscera
    11. accessory XI = neck and shoulder muscles
    12. hypoglossal XII = tongue muscles
  • label spinal nerves
    A) cervical plexus (C1-C5)
    B) cervical nerves (C1-C8)
    C) brachial plexus (C5-T1)
    D) Thoracic nerves (T1-T12)
    E) lumbar plexus (L1-L4)
    F) lumbar nerves (L1-L5)
    G) sacral plexus (L4-S4)
    H) sacral nerves (S1-S5)
    I) coccygeal nerves (CO1)
  • label spinal nerves (specific)
    A) phrenic nerve
    B) musculocutaneous nerve
    C) axillary nerve
    D) median nerve
    E) radial nerve
    F) ulnar nerve
    G) intercostal nerve
    H) illoinguinal nerve
    I) femoral nerve
    J) obturator nerve
    K) superior gluteal nerve
    L) inferior gluteal nerve
    M) pudendal nerve
  • spinal cords in arm
    A) axillary nerve
    B) radial nerve
    C) musculocutaneous nerve
    D) median nerve
    E) ulnar nerve
  • spinal cord nerves in leg
    A) illoinguinal nerve
    B) iliohypogastric nerve
    C) genitofemoral nerve
    D) femoral nerve
    E) lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
    F) obturator nerve
  • nerves of sacral
    A) superior gluteal nerve
    B) inferior gluteal nerve
    C) pudendal nerve
    D) posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
    E) sciatic nerve
    F) common fibular nerve
    G) tibial nerve
  • autonomic nervous system (ANS): involuntary arm of peripheral nervous system (PNS); also known as visceral motor division; oversees most vital functions like heart rate, blood pressure, and digestive and urinary processes autonomously without conscious control
    • broken into 2 divisions:
    • sympathetic nervous system
    • parasympathetic nervous system
  • sympathetic nervous system: preganglionic axons are usually short and postganglionic axons are usually long
  • parasympathetic nervous system: preganglionic parasympathetic axons are long while postganglionic axons are short
  • assign to sympathetic and parasympathetic
    A) brainstem
    B) preganglionic neruon
    C) cervical
    D) thoracic
    E) lumbar
    F) sympathetic ganglia
    G) postganglionic neuron
    H) sacral
  • sympathetic and parasympathetic division work together to keep many of body's functions within normal homeostatic ranges
  • autonomic centers: regions found in reticular formation contact hypothalamus; contain neurons that control activity of preganglionic sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons
  • special senses: convey specific stimuli from specialized sensory organs
    1. smell (olfaction)
    2. taste (gustation)
    3. vision
    4. hearing (audition)
    5. vestibular sensation
  • transduction: physical or chemical stimulus is converted into action potential that can be interpreted by brain
  • vision: structures of the eye
    • eyeballs: located in orbits on either side of nasal cavity
    • eyelids (palpebrae): two thin folds; cover anterior region of orbit; prevent access by foreign objects and distribute tears during blinking
    • medial and lateral commissures (canthi): where upper and lower eyelids meet
    • lacrimal caruncle: fleshy structure at medial commissure; contains sebaceous glands that secrete whitish lubricating substance
    • orbicularis oculi: muscle closes eyelids; levator
  • eyebrows and eyelashes: protective structures of eye
    conjunctiva: thin continuous epithelial membrane
    palpebral conjunctiva: covers eyelid inner surface