study of an operation or group of related operations for the purpose of analyzing their efficiency and effectiveness so that improvements can be developed
Objectives of Operations Analysis
Finding the Best Vendor: Keiretsu
treating suppliers and customers as part of the company
Finding the Best Vendor: Keiretsu
a form of business and manufacturing organization that links businesses together
Central to TPS is a continuing effort to produce products under ideal conditions
Respect for people is fundamental
Small building but highlevels of production
Subassemblies are transferred to the assembly line on a JIT basis
High quality and low assembly time per vehicle
Largest vehicle manufacturer in the world with annual sales of over 9million vehicles
Success due to two techniques, JIT and TPS
Continual problemsolving is central to JIT
Eliminating excessinventory makes problems immediately evident
integrated socio-technical system
developed by Toyota, that comprises its management philosophy and practices.
is a philosophy of continuous and forced problem solving via a focus on throughput and reduced inventory
emphasizes continuous improvement, respect for people, and standard work practices
production supplies the customer with their exact wants when the customer wants it without waste
Throughput Time
the time for goods to go through the whole process
Cycle Time
the time it takes for goods to go through one work step in the production process
emphasizes employee learning and empowerment in an assembly-line environment
Lean Operations
emphasize understanding the customer
emphasizes forced problem solving
Just-In-Time (JIT)
Powerful strategy for improving operations
Materials arrive where they are needed when they are needed
Identifying problems and driving out waste reduces costs and variability and improves throughput
Requires a meaningful buyer- supplier relationship
Make all we can just in case
Make what's needed when we need it
Production Approximation
Anticipated Usage's
Large Lots
High Inventories
Management by Firelighting
Poor Communication
Production Precision
Actual Consumption
Small Lots
Low Inventories
Waste Reduction
Management bySight
Better Communication
Applicable in cases where demand uncertainty is negligible.
Production and distribution rely on long-termforecasts.
Businesses could not meet changingdemands.
Businesses have to possess massive inventory.
Previous orderpatterns from the retailerwarehouse determine the order quantity
Applicable in cases with higher uncertainty regarding demands.
Production and distribution depend on consumerdemand.
Businesses could use point of saledata for anticipating demand.
Businesses don't need any inventory for pull supply chain strategy.
The order quantity is based on the requirements of a particular order.